Analytical chemistry
Analytical chemistry is an area of chemistry that mainly deals with methods for separating, identifying and quantifying a sample's various components.
The subject chemistry at Mid Sweden University is defined as the knowledge of chemical subjects properties, structure and reactions as well as their occurrence and their effects on the environment and their use to solve technical and scientific problems. Postgraduate education is available at Mid Sweden University in three different fields, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry and organic chemistry. Current research areas described on the university's website.
Analytical chemistry is an area of chemistry that mainly deals with methods for separating, identifying and quantifying a sample's various components.
The main research interests of the Eco-chemistry group are biocatalysis, bioremediation, synthesis, extraction and analysis of natural products.
The project contributes to the forest being used more sustainably through circular production of polyunsaturated fat and proteins via fermentation of wood sugar from sawdust.
Project Circular Biomass 3.0 is based on the future industrialization of Norrland and focuses on research in clean environment and sustainable local food and energy production.
Bioremediation by composting offers a sustainable nature-based solution to remediate polluted fiberbanks sediments, converting them into a safer and stable product for reuse as a soil amendment or...
FORIC is our industrial research school for PhD students. FORIC's full name is Forest as a Resource Industrial Research College.
NeoPulp is a Research Profile with a vision to build a pioneering research profile in fibre behaviour during pulping and papermaking processes.
To foster sustainable urban development, Sundsvall Municipality, in collaboration with Mid Sweden University, is pioneering in nature-based and climate-neutral solutions for the remediation of...
The project is based on innovative and environmentally friendly chemistry engineering for the treatment of wood and cellulose that enables the creation of sustainable products and innovations of th...
The page was updated 12/10/2024