Meet Dr. Nejra Beganovic - New postdoc at STC
Meet our new Postdoc researcher - Dr. Nejra Beganovic. As a young girl she was very interested in technology, an interest that later took her to Germany where she completed her doctoral within the...
On this page you will find news and information from Mid Sweden University, collected under the tag SMART SOCIETY. This page is created based on the tag you clicked to get here.
There are 12 English pages and 1 Swedish page that are tagged with SMART SOCIETY. The content may vary depending on language.
Meet our new Postdoc researcher - Dr. Nejra Beganovic. As a young girl she was very interested in technology, an interest that later took her to Germany where she completed her doctoral within the...
Mid Sweden University has in cooperation with the partner company Permobil, developed a new technology that allows you to steer an electric wheelchair with a wireless control.
A new type of measurement equipment can make it easier for water companies to detect vents in the sewers and reduce environmental impact when extremely high water flows cause overload of the sewage...
Here you will see a demonstration of Mittuniversity's new Office Tracker. Office Tracker is an office environment sensor system that collects different measurement values in a building to facilitat...
We like to congratulate PhD-student Staffan Rydblom who presented his licentate thesis "Measuring Water Droplets to Detect Atmospheric Icing" today. Opponent to the thesis was Prof. Anssi Mäkynen...
STC and partner company MidDec have developed a radon sensor that enables faster action to clean radon. The sensor is connected to a web page and gives measurement results immediately, which is to ...
Right now STC installs a LoRaWAN in Sundsvall. LoRaWan is a Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) specification intended for wireless battery operated Things in a regional, national or global network...
Contain, which is a project by Imorgon Innovation, is a floating house built entirely in wood with several smart solutions that both raise the living standard and benefit the environment. Together...
In May, it is time for Sundsvall's popular dragons to once again move out and put color on the city. New for this year is that Sundsvall gets its first smart dragons that are possible to interact...
May 10, STC arranged the Smart Industry conference together with Bron innovation. Keynote speaker of the day was the Minister for Enterprise and Innovation, Mikael Damberg. The theme of the day was...
Forskare vid STC har tillsammans med MittSverige Vatten, miljökontoret vid Sundsvalls kommun och företaget Dewire utvecklat ett sensorsystem som kan spåra och varna vid oljespill i dagvattenledning...
The page was updated 10/2/2019