Masoome Abikari

Doktorand|Doctoral Student


I published some articles on different business subjects during my first master's in Iran. I also developed my practical insight about the new challenges in the market resulting from new technology by working in different positions such as consumer service and marketing manager between 2009 to 2019. In 2019, I started my second master's at Mid Sweden University. My thesis was rewarded “Ekonomiforskningsstiftelsen uppsatspris 2020”. By the end of 2021, I have started working on my PhD project concerning consumers’ emotions toward emerging e-banking technology and their behavioral intention.


The impact of consumers’ emotions on their intention to adopt new emerging e-banking technology


Artiklar i tidskrifter

Abikari, M. (2024). Emotions, perceived risk and intentions to adopt emerging e-banking technology amongst educated young consumers. International Journal of Bank Marketing, vol. 42: 5, ss. 1036-1058.    

Abikari, M. , Öhman, P. & Yazdanfar, D. (2023). Negative emotions and consumer behavioural intention to adopt emerging e-banking technology. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, vol. 28: 4, ss. 691-704.  


Abikari, M. (2024). Young consumers’ emotions towards emerging e-banking technology : A multi-perspective approach. Lic.-avh. (Sammanläggning) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2024 (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis : 203)  


Abikari, M. (2024). Unga välutbildade bankkunder, upplevd risk och digitala banktjänster.

Abikari, M. , Öhman, P. & Yazdanfar, D. (2023). Negativa känslor och användningen av e-banktjänster. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Rapport / CER - Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationer 2023:2).  

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-09-13