Kave Habib Edin

Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer


Artiklar i tidskrifter

Kachlami, H. , Davidsson, P. , Obschonka, M. , Yazdanfar, D. & Lundström, A. (2021). The regional employment effects of new social firm entry. Small Business Economics, vol. 57: 3, ss. 1221-1241.    

Kachlami, H. M. , Yazdanfar, D. & Öhman, P. (2018). Regional demand and supply factors of social entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, vol. 24: 3, ss. 714-733.  

Kachlami, H. M. (2017). Regional Dynamism between Social and Commercial Ventures : An Empirical Study based on Swedish data. International Journal of Social Economics, vol. 44: 9, ss. 1122-1138.    

Kachlami, H. & Yazdanfar, D. (2016). Determinants of SME growth: The influence of financing pattern. : An empirical study based on Swedish data. Management Research Review, vol. 39: 9, ss. 966-986.  

Kachlami, H. M. (2016). Social Venture Creation and the Influence of Commercial Ventures : An Empirical Study in Swedish Context. Social Enterprise Journal, vol. 12: 3, ss. 347-367.  


Kachlami, H. M. (2017). Social Entrepreneurship and Influence on Regional Firm Demography. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2017 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 265)  

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier

Kachlami, H. (2014). Social ventures and regional development : important contributions unappreciated. I Social entrepreneurship : leveraging economic, political and cultural dimensions. Springer. S. 325-342.

Kachlami, H. (2014). The likely determinants of social entrepreneurship and policy implications. I Social entrepreneurship : leveraging economic, political and cultural dimensions. Springer. S. 293-307.


Mohammadpour, H. , Moghtader, J. & Kachlami, H. M. (2012). Nanopaper Innovation at Paper and Packaging Industry. Paper presented at the The International Conference on Innovation and Entreprenurship

Kachlami, H. M. (2012). Using High Quality Contextual Evidences for Entrepreneurship Policies. Paper presented at the The International Conference on Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business (RENT), Lyon, France

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-09-13