Konstantin Golpayegani
Doktorand|Doctoral Student
- Tjänstetitel: Doktorand
- Akademisk titel: Doktorand
- Annan titel: Licentiand
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1428985
- E-postadress: konstantin.golpayegani@miun.se
- Besöksadress: Studentplan 1, A-building
- Rumsnummer: A223c
- Ort: Östersund
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Företagsekonomi
- Forskningscentra:
- Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationer, CER
Originally from Denmark with a diverse ethnic background, I am fluent in seven languages. I hold a B.A. in International Sales & Marketing Management from IBA Denmark, where I actively participated in international business case competitions and developed consulting projects for corporate clients. I received awards for my academic excellence and community contributions during my time at IBA Denmark.
In 2017, I moved to Sweden to pursue an M.Sc. in Business Development & Internationalization. Following my M.Sc, I worked as a freelance entrepreneurial consultant and private tutor before transitioning into academia. My first role was as a project/research assistant at Umeå University, where I gained valuable experience in project management.
Currently, I am a PhD candidate at the Department of Business Administration at Mid Sweden University, focusing on how Swedish start-ups use co-opetition to foster business model innovation. In addition, I am the PhD representative at the HUV faculty as well as the department of Business Administration, where I advocate for peer engagement and professional development.
You can learn more about my work on my LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kgolpayegani/
My research can be delineated into these areas;
- Entrepreneurship
- Co-opetition
- Digitalization
I am currently involved in several courses;
- Ekonomistyrning för Personalvetare
- Hållbart Företagande A
- Ledning i Projekt (Summercourse)
- Samhällsentreprenörskap
Extra kontaktinformation
Work mobile: +46 (0) 767201958
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Golpayegani, K. & Mohammadi Limaei, S. (2024). Education In Post-Pandemic Context : A Case Of Central Sweden. I Transformació Digital de l’Educació a l’Era de la Intel·ligència Artificial : Una Revolució Imparable. Dykinson.
Golpayegani, K. (2024). Konsekvenser av digitaliseringen för förtroende inom co-opetition. I Globala utmaningar – lokala lösningar : Forskning för en hållbar samhällsutveckling i norra Sverige. Mid Sweden University. S. 119-122.
Golpayegani, K. & Schmudde, U. (2024). Unleashing the Power of Social Entrepreneurs for Regional Development : Insights from Jämtland Härjedalen. I Creating New Roles for a Sustainable Economy : Digitalization, Green Enterprises and Organizational Challenges. Palgrave Macmillan (Palgrave Studies in Governance, Leadership and Responsibility). S. 101-120.
Golpayegani, K. & Mohammadi Limaei, S. (2024). Education in post-pandemic context : A case of Central Sweden. Paper presented at the Fòrum Internacional Educació I Tecnologia (FIET 2024), 12-15 March , Tarragona, Spain.
Golpayegani, K. & Schmudde, U. (2024). Re-understanding consumer behavior through post-mechanist economic theory. Paper presented at the MOS24 - Technology & Consumer Behavior (Turku, Finland), [DIGITAL], May 27, 2024
Golpayegani, K. (2023). Consequences of digitalization on trust in 'equal' co-opetition : A Swedish case study among start-ups. Paper presented at the UCLan Business and Marketing Research Virtual Conference 2023