Fritjof Nilsson
- Tjänstetitel: Forskare
- Akademisk titel: Docent
- E-postadress:
- Ort: Sundsvall
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Fysik
- Kemiteknik
- Matematik/Tillämpad matematik
- Teknisk fysik
- Forskningscentra:
- FSCN Research Centre
ExpoFiber - exponering av detaljerad kvalitetsinformation ur fiberdistributioner
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Munawar, M. A. , Nilsson, F. & Schubert, D. W. (2025). Tunable diameter of electrospun fibers using empirical scaling laws of electrospinning parameters. Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 329
Ferritsius, R. , Sandberg, C. , Rundlöf, M. , Ferritsius, O. , Daniel, G. , Engberg, B. A. & Nilsson, F. (2024). Development of fibre properties in mill scale : High-and low consistency refining of thermomechanical pulp (part 2)-Importance of fibre curl. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 39: 4, ss. 575-585.
Elf, P. , Larsson, P. A. , Larsson, A. , Wagberg, L. , Hedenqvist, M. S. & Nilsson, F. (2024). Effects of Ring Opening and Chemical Modification on the Properties of Dry and Moist Cellulose-Predictions with Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Biomacromolecules, vol. 25: 12, ss. 7581-7593.
Kim, D. , Elf, P. , Nilsson, F. , Hedenqvist, M. S. & Larsson, A. (2024). In-Depth Understanding of the Effect of the Distribution of Substituents on the Morphology and Physical Properties of Ethylcellulose : Molecular Dynamics Simulations Insights. Biomacromolecules, vol. 25: 7, ss. 4046-4062.
Qu, M. , Hu, L. , Wang, S. , Chen, H. , Yang, G. , Schubert, D. W. , Chen, R. , Nilsson, F. & et al. (2024). Multifunctional hierarchical electronic skins : Unveiling self-repairing mechanisms and advancements in sensing and shielding performance. Composites Science And Technology, vol. 256
Lindström, S. B. , Amjad, R. , Gåhlin, E. , Andersson, L. , Kaarto, M. , Liubytska, K. , Persson, J. , Berg, J. & et al. (2024). Pulp Particle Classification Based on Optical Fiber Analysis and Machine Learning Techniques. Fibers, vol. 12: 1
Qu, M. , Luo, Z. , Chen, H. , Qin, Y. , Schubert, D. W. , Yang, G. , Han, L. & Nilsson, F. (2024). Strain sensing, electromagnetic interference shielding, and antimicrobial performance of triple hierarchic fabric coated with AgNWs and polydopamine. Materials & design, vol. 243
Krantz, G. , Moretti, C. , Brandao, M. , Hedenqvist, M. & Nilsson, F. (2023). Assessing the Environmental Impact of Eight Alternative Fuels in International Shipping : A Comparison of Marginal vs. Average Emissions. Environments, vol. 10: 9
Unge, M. , Aspaker, H. , Nilsson, F. , Pierre, M. & Hedenqvist, M. S. (2023). Coarse-Grained Model for Prediction of Hole Mobility in Polyethylene. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, vol. 19: 21, ss. 7882-7894.
Liu, S. , Bettelli, M. A. , Wei, X. , Capezza, A. J. , Sochor, B. , Nilsson, F. , Olsson, R. T. , Johansson, E. & et al. (2023). Design of Hygroscopic Bioplastic Products Stable in Varying Humidities. Macromolecular materials and engineering, vol. 308: 2
Qu, M. , Xie, Z. , Liu, S. , Zhang, J. , Peng, S. , Li, Z. , Lin, C. & Nilsson, F. (2023). Electric Resistance of Elastic Strain Sensors-Fundamental Mechanisms and Experimental Validation. Nanomaterials, vol. 13: 12
Mendoza, A. I. , Larroche, P. , Nilsson, F. , Hedenqvist, M. , Strömberg, E. , Hillborg, H. & Moriana, R. (2023). Image analysis of PDMS/ZnO nanocomposite surfaces for optimized superhydrophobic and self-cleaning surface design. Surfaces and Interfaces, vol. 37
Birdsong, B. K. , Hoogendoorn, B. W. , Nilsson, F. , Andersson, R. L. , Capezza, A. J. , Hedenqvist, M. S. , Farris, S. , Guerrero, A. & et al. (2023). Large-scale synthesis of 2D-silica (SiOx) nanosheets using graphene oxide (GO) as a template material. Nanoscale, vol. 15: 31, ss. 13037-13048.
Qu, M. , Cai, J. , Li, X. , Wu, J. , Chen, H. , Zheng, Z. , Nilsson, F. , Liu, S. & et al. (2023). Mechanical and electrical properties of carbon nanotube/epoxy/glass-fiber composites intended for nondestructive testing. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, vol. 34: 8, ss. 2554-2563.
Elf, P. , Özeren, H. , Larsson, P. A. , Larsson, A. , Wågberg, L. , Nilsson, R. , Chaiyupatham, P. T. , Hedenqvist, M. S. & et al. (2023). Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Cellulose and Dialcohol Cellulose under Dry and Moist Conditions. Biomacromolecules, vol. 24: 6, ss. 2706-2720.
Kim, H. , Shin, G. , Jang, M. , Nilsson, F. , Hakkarainen, M. , Kim, H. J. , Hwang, S. Y. , Lee, J. & et al. (2023). Toward Sustaining Bioplastics : Add a Pinch of Seasoning. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, vol. 11: 5, ss. 1846-1856.
Qu, M. , Li, D. , Qin, T. , Luo, Z. , Liu, X. , Nilsson, F. , Gao, Q. , Zheng, Z. & et al. (2022). Carbon Black Nanoparticle/Polydopamine-Coated Core-Spun Yarns for Flexible Strain Sensors. ACS Applied Nano Materials, vol. 5: 11, ss. 16996-17003.
Soroudi, A. , Ouyang, Y. , Nilsson, F. , Ostergren, I. , Xu, X. , Li, Z. , Pourrahimi, A. M. , Hedenqvist, M. & et al. (2022). Highly insulating thermoplastic nanocomposites based on a polyolefin ternary blend for high-voltage direct current power cables. Nanoscale, vol. 14: 21, ss. 7927-7933.
Krantz, G. , Brandao, M. , Hedenqvist, M. S. & Nilsson, F. (2022). Indirect CO2 emissions caused by the fuel demand switch in international shipping. Transportation Research Part D, vol. 102, ss. 103164
Bettelli, M. A. , Capezza, A. J. , Nilsson, F. , Johansson, E. , Olsson, R. T. & Hedenqvist, M. S. (2022). Sustainable Wheat Protein Biofoams : Dry Upscalable Extrusion at Low Temperature. Biomacromolecules, vol. 23: 12, ss. 5116-5126.
Asem, H. , Zheng, W. , Nilsson, F. , Zhang, Y. , Hedenqvist, M. S. , Hassan, M. & Malmström, E. (2021). Functional Nanocarriers for Drug Delivery by Surface Engineering of Polymeric Nanoparticle Post-Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly. ACS Applied Bio Materials, vol. 4: 1, ss. 1045-1056.
Wei, X. , Nilsson, F. , Yin, H. & Hedenqvist, M. S. (2021). Microplastics Originating from Polymer Blends : An Emerging Threat?. Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 55: 8, ss. 4190-4193.
Nilsson, F. , Karlsson, M. E. , Gedde, U. W. , Kadar, R. , Gaska, K. , Mueller, C. , Hagstrand, P. , Olsson, R. & et al. (2021). Nanocomposites and polyethylene blends : two potentially synergistic strategies for HVDC insulation materials with ultra-low electrical conductivity. Composites Part B, vol. 204
Özeren, H. D. , Wei, X. , Nilsson, F. , Olsson, R. & Hedenqvist, M. S. (2021). Role of Hydrogen Bonding in Wheat Gluten Protein Systems Plasticized with Glycerol and Water. Polymer, vol. 232, ss. 124149
Linde, E. , Nilsson, F. , Barrett, M. , Hedenqvist, M. S. & Celina, M. C. (2021). Time- and Feedback-Dependent DLO Phenomena in Oxidative Polymer Aging. Polymer degradation and stability, vol. 189
Yang, G. , Schubert, D. W. , Nilsson, F. , Qu, M. & Redel, M. (2020). A Study of a Novel Synergy Definition for Ternary CB/CNT Composites Suggesting a Representative Model for CB and CNT. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, vol. 29: 5
Qu, M. , Qin, Y. , Sun, Y. , Xu, H. , Schubert, D. W. , Zheng, K. , Xu, W. & Nilsson, F. (2020). Biocompatible, Flexible Strain Sensor Fabricated with Polydopamine-Coated Nanocomposites of Nitrile Rubber and Carbon Black. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol. 12: 37, ss. 42140-42152.
Qu, M. , Nilsson, F. , Qin, Y. , Yang, G. , Gao, Q. , Xu, W. , Liu, X. & Schubert, D. W. (2020). Electrical conductivity of anisotropic PMMA composite filaments with aligned carbon fibers - predicting the influence of measurement direction. RSC Advances, vol. 10: 7, ss. 4156-4165.
Karlsson, M. E. , Xu, X. , Hillborg, H. , Ström, V. , Hedenqvist, M. S. , Nilsson, F. & Olsson, R. (2020). Lamellae-controlled electrical properties of polyethylene - morphology, oxidation and effects of antioxidant on the DC conductivity. RSC Advances, vol. 10: 8, ss. 4698-4709.
Özeren, H. D. , Olsson, R. , Nilsson, F. & Hedenqvist, M. S. (2020). Prediction of Plasticization in a Real Biopolymer System (Starch) using Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Materials & design, vol. 187: 108387
Özeren, H. D. , Guivier, M. , Olsson, R. , Nilsson, F. & Hedenqvist, M. S. (2020). Ranking Plasticizers for Polymers with Atomistic Simulations; PVT, Mechanical Properties and the Role of Hydrogen Bonding in Thermoplastic Starch. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, vol. 2: 5, ss. 2016-2026.
Holder, S. L. , Karlsson, M. E. , Olsson, R. S. , Hedenqvist, M. S. & Nilsson, F. (2020). Solubility and Diffusivity of Polar and Non-Polar Molecules in Polyethylene-Aluminum Oxide Nanocomposites for HVDC Applications. Energies, vol. 13: 3, ss. 722
Özeren, H. D. , Capezza, A. J. , Gharbi, S. , Guivier, M. , Nilsson, F. , Olsson, R. & Hedenqvist, M. S. (2020). Starch/Alkane Diol Materials: Unexpected Ultraporous Surfaces, Near-Isoporous Cores, and Films Moving on Water. ACS Omega, vol. 5: 44, ss. 28863-28869.
Yang, G. , Nilsson, F. & Schubert, D. W. (2019). A Study of Finite Size Effects and Periodic Boundary Conditions to Simulations of a Novel Theoretical Self-Consistent Mean-Field Approach. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations,
Sanchez, C. , Wåhlander, M. , Karlsson, M. E. , Quintero, D. C. M. , Hillborg, H. , Malmström, E. & Nilsson, F. (2019). Characterization of Reduced and Surface-Modified Graphene Oxide in Poly(Ethylene-co-Butyl Acrylate) Composites for Electrical Applications. Polymers, vol. 11: 4
Nilsson, F. , Moyassari, A. , Bautista, A. , Castro, A. , Arbeloa, I. , Jarn, M. , Lundgren, U. , Welinder, J. & et al. (2019). Modelling anti-icing of railway overhead catenary wires by resistive heating. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 143
Qu, M. , Nilsson, F. & Schubert, D. W. (2019). Novel definition of the synergistic effect between carbon nanotubes and carbon black for electrical conductivity. Nanotechnology, vol. 30: 24
Holder, S. , Hedenqvist, M. S. & Nilsson, F. (2019). Understanding and modelling the diffusion process of low molecular weight substances in polyethylene pipes. Water Research, , ss. 301-309.
Nakamura, K. , Ankyu, S. , Nilsson, F. , Kanno, T. , Niwano, Y. , von Steyern, P. V. & Örtengren, U. (2018). Critical considerations on load-to-failure test for monolithic zirconia molar crowns. Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, vol. 87, ss. 180-189.
Qu, M. , Nilsson, F. & Schubert, D. W. (2018). Effect of filler orientation on the electrical conductivity of carbon Fiber/PMMA composites. Fibers, vol. 6: 1
Yang, G. , Schubert, D. W. , Qu, M. & Nilsson, F. (2018). Novel Theoretical Self-Consistent Mean-Field Approach to Describe the Conductivity of Carbon Fiber-Filled Thermoplastics : PART II. Validation by Computer Simulation. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, vol. 27: 4
Özeren, H. D. , Nilsson, F. , Olsson, R. & Hedenqvist, M. S. (2018). Prediction of plasticization mechanisms for biobased plastics through a combined experimental and molecular dynamics simulations approach. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, vol. 256
Wu, Q. , Sundborg, H. , Andersson, R. L. , Peuvot, K. , Guex, L. , Nilsson, F. , Hedenqvist, M. S. & Olsson, R. T. (2017). Conductive biofoams of wheat gluten containing carbon nanotubes, carbon black or reduced graphene oxide. RSC Advances, vol. 7: 30, ss. 18260-18269.
Qu, M. , Nilsson, F. , Qin, Y. , Yang, G. , Pan, Y. , Liu, X. , Hernandez Rodriguez, G. , Chen, J. & et al. (2017). Electrical conductivity and mechanical properties of melt-spun ternary composites comprising PMMA, carbon fibers and carbon black. Composites Science And Technology, vol. 150, ss. 24-31.
Moyassari, A. , Unge, M. , Hedenqvist, M. S. , Gedde, U. W. & Nilsson, F. (2017). First-principle simulations of electronic structure in semicrystalline polyethylene. Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 146: 20
Liu, D. , Hoang, A. T. , Pourrahimi, A. M. , Pallon, L. K. H. , Nilsson, F. , Gubanski, S. M. , Olsson, R. T. , Hedenqvist, M. S. & et al. (2017). Influence of Nanoparticle Surface Coating on Electrical Conductivity of LDPE/Al2O3 Nanocomposites for HVDC Cable Insulations. IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation, vol. 24: 3, ss. 1396-1404.
Nilsson, F. , Karlsson, M. , Pallon, L. K. H. , Giacinti, M. , Olsson, R. T. , Venturi, D. , Gedde, U. W. & Hedenqvist, M. S. (2017). Influence of water uptake on the electrical DC-conductivity of insulating LDPE/MgO nanocomposites. Composites Science And Technology, vol. 152, ss. 11-19.
Wåhlander, M. , Nilsson, F. , Andersson, R. L. , Carlmark, A. , Hillborg, H. & Malmström, E. (2017). Reduced and Surface-Modified Graphene Oxide with Nonlinear Resistivity. Macromolecular rapid communications, vol. 38: 16
Wåhlander, M. , Nilsson, F. , Andersson, R. L. , Cobo Sanchez, C. , Taylor, N. , Carlmark, A. , Hillborg, H. & Malmström, E. (2017). Tailoring Dielectric Properties using Designed Polymer-Grafted ZnO Nanoparticles in Silicone Rubber. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol. 5, ss. 14241-14258.
Pallon, L. K. H. , Nilsson, F. , Yu, S. , Liu, D. , Diaz, A. , Holler, M. , Chen, X. R. , Gubanski, S. & et al. (2017). Three-Dimensional Nanometer Features of Direct Current Electrical Trees in Low-Density Polyethylene. Nano Letters, vol. 17: 3, ss. 1402-1408.
Nilsson, F. & Unge, M. (2016). Conductivity simulations of field-grading composites. Journal of Physics D, vol. 49: 33
Wåhlander, M. , Nilsson, F. , Carlmark, A. , Gedde, U. W. , Edmondson, S. & Malmström, E. (2016). Correction: Hydrophobic matrix-free graphene-oxide composites with isotropic and nematic states. Nanoscale, vol. 8, ss. 13522-13522.
Wåhlander, M. , Nilsson, F. , Carlmark, A. , Gedde, U. W. , Edmondson, S. & Malmström, E. (2016). Hydrophobic matrix-free graphene-oxide composites with isotropic and nematic states. Nanoscale, vol. 8, ss. 14730-14745.
Svagan, A. , Bender Koch, C. , Hedenqvist, M. , Nilsson, F. , Glasser, G. , Baluschev, S. & Andersen, M. (2016). Liquid-core nanocellulose-shell capsules with tunable oxygen permeability. Carbohydrate Polymers, vol. 136, ss. 292-299.
Nilsson, F. , Krueckel, J. , Schubert, D. W. , Chen, F. , Unge, M. , Gedde, U. W. & Hedenqvist, M. S. (2016). Simulating the effective electric conductivity of polymer composites with high aspect ratio fillers. Composites Science And Technology, vol. 132, ss. 16-23.
Pallon, L. K. H. , Hoang, A. T. , Pourrahimi, A. M. , Hedenqvist, M. S. , Nilsson, F. , Gubanski, S. , Gedde, U. W. & Olsson, R. T. (2016). The impact of MgO nanoparticle interface in ultra-insulating polyethylene nanocomposites for high voltage DC cables. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol. 4: 22, ss. 8590-8601.
Atari Jabarzadeh, S. , Nilsson, F. , Hillborg, H. , Karlsson, S. & Strömberg, E. (2015). Image Analysis Determination of the Influence of Surface Structure of Silicone Rubbers on Biofouling. International Journal of Polymer Science,
Moyassari, A. , Mostafavi, H. , Gkourmpis, T. , Hedenqvist, M. S. , Gedde, U. W. & Nilsson, F. (2015). Simulation of semi-crystalline polyethylene : Effect of short-chain branching on tie chains and trapped entanglements. Polymer, vol. 72, ss. 177-184.
Chen, F. , Nilsson, F. , Gällstedt, M. & Hedenqvist, M. S. (2014). Chitosan extrusion at high solids content : An orthogonal experimental design study. Polymers from Renewable Resources, vol. 5: 1, ss. 1-12.
Wåhlander, M. , Nilsson, F. , Larsson, E. , Tsai, W. , Hillborg, H. , Carlmark, A. , Gedde, U. W. & Malmström, E. (2014). Polymer-grafted Al2O3-nanoparticles for controlled dispersion in poly(ethylene-co-butyl acrylate) nanocomposites. Polymer, vol. 55: 9, ss. 2125-2138.
Cozzolino, C. A. , Nilsson, F. , Iotti, M. , Sacchi, B. , Piga, A. & Farris, S. (2013). Exploiting the nano-sized features of microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) for the development of controlled-release packaging. Colloids and Surfaces B, vol. 110, ss. 208-216.
Nilsson, F. , Hallstensson, K. , Johansson, K. , Umar, Z. & Hedenqvist, M. (2013). Predicting Solubility and Diffusivity of Gases in Polymers under High Pressure : N-2 in Polycarbonate and Poly(ether-ether-ketone). Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 52: 26, ss. 8655-8663.
Cozzolino, C. A. , Blomfeldt, T. , Nilsson, F. , Piga, A. , Piergiovanni, L. & Farris, S. (2012). Dye release behavior from polyvinyl alcohol films in a hydro-alcoholic medium : Influence of physicochemical heterogeneity. Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 403, ss. 45-53.
Nilsson, F. , Lan, X. , Gkourmpis, T. , Hedenqvist, M. & Gedde, U. (2012). Modelling tie-chains and trapped entanglements in polyethylene. Polymer, vol. 53: 16, ss. 3594-3601.
Blomfeldt, T. O. J. , Nilsson, F. , Holgate, T. , Xu, J. , Johansson, E. & Hedenqvist, M. S. (2012). Thermal Conductivity and Combustion Properties of Wheat Gluten Foams. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol. 4: 3, ss. 1629-1635.
Nilsson, F. , Gedde, U. & Hedenqvist, M. (2011). Modelling the Relative Permittivity of Anisotropic Insulating Composites. Composites Science And Technology, vol. 71: 2, ss. 216-221.
Jedenmalm, A. , Nilsson, F. , Noz, M. E. , Green, D. D. , Gedde, U. W. , Clarke, I. C. , Stark, A. , Maguire Jr., G. Q. & et al. (2011). Validation of a 3D CT method for measurement of linear wear of acetabular cups : A hip simulator study. Acta Orthopaedica, vol. 82: 1, ss. 35-41.
Nordell, P. , Hedenqvist, M. , Hillberg, H. & Gedde, U. (2011). Water transport in aluminium oxide-poly(ethylene-co-butylacrylate) nanocomposites. European Polymer Journal, vol. 47: 12, ss. 2208-2215.
Nilsson, F. , Gedde, U. W. & Hedenqvist, M. S. (2009). Penetrant diffusion in polyethylene spherulites assessed by a novel off-lattice Monte-Carlo technique. European Polymer Journal, vol. 45: 12, ss. 3409-3417.
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
Nilsson, F. , Elf, P. , Capezza, A. , Wei, X. , Tsegaye, B. , Polisetti, V. , Svagan, A. J. & Hedenqvist, M. (2025). Environmental concerns on water-soluble and biodegradable plastics and their applications – A review. Science of the Total Environment, vol. 958
Bjurstrom, A. , Edin, H. , Hillborg, H. , Nilsson, F. , Olsson, R. T. , Pierre, M. , Unge, M. & Hedenqvist, M. S. (2024). A Review of Polyolefin-Insulation Materials in High Voltage Transmission; From Electronic Structures to Final Products. Advanced Materials, vol. 36: 52
Gedde, U. W. , Unge, M. , Nilsson, F. & Hedenqvist, M. S. (2023). Mass and charge transport in polyethylene – Structure, morphology and properties. Polymer, vol. 266
Das, O. , Nilsson, F. , Hakkarainen, M. , Hedenqvist, M. S. & Gedde, U. W. (2021). Applied Polymer Science. Springer Nature
Nilsson, F. (2012). Simulations of Semi-Crystalline Polymers and Polymer Composites in order to predict Electrical, Thermal, Mechanical and Diffusion Properties. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2012
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Nilsson, F. & Hedenqvist, M. (2011). Mass transport and high barrier properties of food packaging polymers. I Multi-functional and nano-reinforcedpolymers for food packaging. Cambridge : Woodhead publishing. S. 129-149.
Hoogendoorn, B. W. , Xiao, X. , Polisetti, V. , Nilsson, F. , Tjus, K. , Forsberg, K. & Olsson, R. T. (2023). Formation of Different Zinc Oxide Crystal Morphologies Using Cellulose as Nucleation Agent in the Waste Valorization and Recycling of Zn-Ion Batteries. I Rare Metal Technology 2023.. S. 199--208.
Unge, M. , Aspåker, H. , Nilsson, F. & Hedenqvist, M. S. (2023). Hole Mobility in Amorphous Polyethylene – Impact of Intra-Chain Electronic Coupling. I 2023 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP).. S. 1--3.
Yang, G. , Nilsson, F. & Schubert, D. W. (2019). Universal and anisotropic simulation platform for the study of electrical properties of conductive polymer composites. I AIP Conference Proceedings. (AIP Conference Proceedings)
Nilsson, F. , Hedenqvist, M. S. & Gedde, U. W. (2010). Small-Molecule Diffusion in Semicrystalline Polymers as Revealed by Experimental and Simulation Studies. I POLYCHAR-18 WORLD FORUM ON ADVANCED MATERIALS. Weinheim : (MACROMOLECULAR SYMPOSIA). S. 108--115.