In sociology, analysis of societal power relations is a central theme. At Mid Sweden University, the sociology subject has identified three overarching contemporary challenges that to a large extent can be said to frame our research. These are: changing forms of power and governance, increased uncertainty and ambiguity about future living conditions, and changes in geographical, political, social and cultural boundaries.
The research is largely carried out within the framework of interdisciplinary research environments within Mid Sweden University, the Risk and Crisis Research Centre (RCR) and the Forum for Gender Studies (FGF), as well as the Network for Working Life Research (NAFS). In addition to our four research orientations Gender relations, place and critique, Working life and organization, Crisis sociology and Societal perspectives on risk and uncertainty, there are theoretical and methodological orientations that cut across all areas. This is particularly true of intersectional power analysis and organizational theory, as well as visual and experimental methods.