The right thing for the individual in its context at all hours of the day
Through innovation, economic calculations and service design, the project aims to investigate, describe and follow further development of the team’s working methods at nursing homes for elderly people in Nordanstig municipality.
The goal is to be a learning and developing organisation with structured working methods where the teams work together with the elderly living there and their relatives.
Basic prerequisites for person-centred and safe care is a learning and developing organisation with dedicated management and control, where knowledge and competence are among employees, with reliable processes where the elderly and their relatives are co-creators.
Through structured working methods in a learning organisation, cultural changes can occur and new ways of working can be developed.
As part of the development of structured working methods in a learning organisation, Nordanstig municipality invests in knowledge and development among employees.
The project intends to investigate, describe and follow further development of the team’s working methods, in nursing homes for elderly people in Nordanstig municipality.
The research project is in the area of transition to integrated care, within the program Future Welfare: Healthcare and School The evaluation plans to provide support for interim report, final report, workshop Nordanstig municipality and scientific publications. The project is initially conducted as a pilot project for 1 year.
The entire project application can be ordered from Mid Sweden University by e-mail: Dnr MIUN 2023/1672
Project period
Research groups
Programme initiatives
Municipal cooperation
Project leader

Project members