Solange Hamrin
Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer
- Tjänstetitel: Universitetslektor
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1428413
- E-postadress:
- Besöksadress: Holmgatan 10, J-Huset
- Rumsnummer: J324B
- Ort: Sundsvall
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap
- Forskningscentra:
Solange Hamrin är lektor i medie - och kommunikationsvetenskap.
Programansvarig, master by research och master i strategisk kommunikation.
Solange är ledamot i Forskningsetiska kommittén.
Organisationskommunikation och strategisk kommunikation. Forskningen bedrivs inom organisationer både i Sverige och i andra länder.
Jag har precis avslutat mitt deltagande i ett projekt som har utvärderat effekten av ledarskap och kommunikations utbildningar i två stora svenska multinational organisationer. Ett annat projekt som jag driver själv handlar om ledarskap och integration från ett kommunikationsperspektiv. Projektet som syftar till att förstå kommunikations dynamik på arbetsplatser med etnisk mångfald inom vården i Sverige genom att samla kunskap om kommunikation mellan anställda med utländsk bakgrund och deras kollegor och ledaren. Syftet är att bidra med kunskap för att kunna skapa strategier för en demokratisk och hälsosam arbetsplats.
Undervisning och handledning inom organisationskommunikation, strategisk kommunikation, och kvalitativa metoder. Undervisning inom kandidat- och master kurser, på svenska och engelska. De engelska kurserna vänder sig främst till utbytesstudenter.
Extra kontaktinformation
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Att leda mångkulturella grupper inom äldreomsorg i Sundsvall
Programutveckling med virtuellt utbyte – en hållbar form för internationalisering
Project ‘Leading cultural diversity in the Elderly care organizations in Sundsvalls kommun
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Barros de Alcantara Hamrin, S. (2024). Constructing inclusion and exclusion in and through leaders’ communication discourses and practices. Comunicação & Sociedade, vol. 45: 3, ss. 75-109.
Hamrin, S. (2019). Constructions of inclusion at two senior nursing home units in Sweden : immigrants’ perspectives. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, vol. 38: 4, ss. 462-476.
Ortiz, J. , Hamrin, S. , Aggio, C. & Dalmonte, E. (2017). Television experience and political discussion on Twitter : exploring online conversations during the 2014 Brazilian presidential elections. Galáxia, vol. 1: 36, ss. 45-58.
Hamrin, S. (2016). Communicative leadership and context : Exploring constructions of the context in discourses of leadership practices. Corporate Communications. An International Journal, vol. 21: 3, ss. 371-387.
Hamrin, S. (2016). Communicative leadership : Exploring leaders' discourse on participation and engagement. Comunicação & Sociedade, vol. 38: 2, ss. 7-42.
Hamrin, S. , Johansson, C. & Jahn, J. L. (2016). Communicative Leadership : Fostering co-worker agency in two Swedish business organizations. Corporate Communications. An International Journal, vol. 21: 2, ss. 213-229.
Hamrin, S. (2016). Recontextualizing communicative leadership : The interplay of discourses in a Swedish multinational organization. International Journal of Strategic Communication, vol. 10: 1, ss. 18-35.
Johansson, C. , Miller, V. D. & Hamrin, S. (2014). Conceptualizing communicative leadership : A framework for analysing and developing leaders’ communication competence. Corporate Communications. An International Journal, vol. 19: 2, ss. 147-165.
Hamrin, S. (2016). Communicative leadership : (Re)Contextualizing a Swedish concept in theory and within organizational settings. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Mittuniversitet Sundsvall, 2016 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 235)
Risberg, A. & Hamrin, S. (2023). Immigrant job integration : A study of the lived experiences of skilled immigrants pursuing a career in Swedish work organizations. Paper presented at the NEON Network, Trondheim, Norway, 21-23 November 2023
Mikkola, L. , Johansson, C. , Barros de Alcantara Hamrin, S. & Rajamäki, S. (2022). Being a newcomer : Facing dialectical tensions and relational contradictions in the first workplace after graduation. Paper presented at the 72nd ICA Conference - International Communication Association, Paris, France, 26-30 May, 2022
Hamrin, S. (2019). Communicative leadership and inclusion in workplaces : Leading ethnically diverse groups. Paper presented at the American National Communication Association Conference, 14-17 November 2019
Bäckström, I. , Ingelsson, P. , Johansson, C. , Hamrin, S. & Bergman, S. (2019). Communicative Leadership development conduction to impact on Quality culture and co-worker health. I 22nd QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS 2019, 13-15 October : Leadership and strategies for Sustainable Quality and Innovation in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Lund :
Barros de Alcantara Hamrin, S. (2018). Leading the way for immigrant workers’ inclusion in the elderly care : A communication perspective. Paper presented at the Biennial Gender, Work & Organisation Conference, Sydney, June 13-16, 2018
Barros de Alcantara Hamrin, S. (2017). Leadership and integration of immigrant workers in elderly in Sweden : Initiating a discussion from a communication perspective. Paper presented at the 24th Nordic Intercultural Communication conference, 23-25 November, 2017, Jyväskylä, Finland
Barros de Alcantara Hamrin, S. & Lundgren, L. (2017). Strategic Communication : A Concept as an Instrument of Change. Paper presented at the EUPRERA 2017, CONGRESS LONDON, 12-14 October, 2017
Hamrin, S. (2016). Leadership constructions on Swedish workplaces with cultural diversity : Rethinking leadership considering the resilience of cultural identities. I International Studying Leadership Conference, University of Edinburgh, 11-13 December 2016.
Hamrin, S. (2016). Leading Cultural Diversity in the Elderly Care in Sundsvall. Paper presented at the Valuing and Evaluating Creativity for Sustainable Regional Development Conference(VEC), Mid Sweden University, Östersund, 11-14 September, 2016
Ortiz, J. , Hamrin, S. , Aggio, C. & Dalmonte, E. (2015). Television experience and political discussion on Twitter : Exploring online conversations during the 2014 Brazilian presidential elections. I Users Across Media - Conference Proceedings .
Hamrin, S. (2014). Exploring Contexts in Organizational Members' Discourse of Communicative Leadership. I Exploring Contexts in Organizational Members' Discourse of Communicative Leadership.
Hamrin, S. & Johansson, C. (2013). Communicative Leadership : A Co-constructed Concept in Two Swedish Business Organizations. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Conference
Hamrin, S. (2013). Communicative Leadership in Cultural Contexts : Leaders and Co-workers’ Discursive Constructions in a Swedish Multinational Organization. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Conference
Johansson, C. , Hamrin, S. & Jahn, J. L. (2013). Communicative leadership : Leaders and members reflecting on leadership and communication. Paper presented at the International Communication Association's 63rd Annual Conference, June 17-21, 2013, London, Great Britain.
Johansson, C. , Miller, V. & Hamrin, S. (2012). Conceptualizing communicative leadership : A tentative theoretical framework. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 98th Annual Convention, 15-18 November 2012, Orlando, FL, USA
Miller, V. D. , Johansson, C. & Hamrin, S. (2012). Investigating Kommunikativt ledarskap : A preliminary theoretical and empirical construct explication. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 98th Annual Convention, 15-18 November 2012, Orlando, FL, USA
Johansson, C. & Hamrin, S. (2012). What is a "communicative" leader? : Leaders and their employees making sense of leadership and communication. Paper presented at the ECREA 2012, the 4th European Communication Conference, 24-27 October, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
Bergman, S. , Johansson, C. , Hamrin, S. , Bäckström, I. & Ingelsson, P. Communication Training for Managers and Leaders : A review of empirical studies.
Hamrin, S. (2020). Leadership and Communication training : Perceived effects in a multinational subsidiary in Brazil. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden university (DEMICOM rapport ). (Leadership and Communication training: Perceived effects in a multinational subsidiary in Brazil 42).
Hamrin, S. (2017). Att leda mångkulturella grupper inom äldreomsorg i Sundsvall : Ledarskap och integration från ett kommunikativt perspektiv. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (DEMICOM rapport 34).
Johansson, C. & Hamrin, S. (2013). Kommunikativt ledarskap. : En analys av intervjuer med chefer och medarbetare i fem företag. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet
Johansson, C. , Miller, V. D. & Hamrin, S. (2011). Communicative leadership : theories, concepts, and central communication behaviors. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (DEMICOM rapport 4).
Johansson, C. , Miller, V. D. & Hamrin, S. (2011). Kommunikativt ledarskap : definition, teori och centrala beteenden. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet