Natural Science

"Bege" talking about the nature at Skule

On this page you will find news and information from Mid Sweden University, collected under the tag NATURAL SCIENCE. This page is created based on the tag you clicked to get here.

There are 17 English pages and 6 Swedish pages that are tagged with NATURAL SCIENCE. The content may vary depending on language.

New guest professor in nanoenergy

Ya Yang is new guest professor of FSCN research centre. His research area is energy harvesting with hybrid nanogenerators and he normally works at Beijing Institute if Nanonenergy and Naonsystems...

Odours as a weapon against damage to forests

Is it possible to communicate with a 5 mm long creature by means of odour? Is it possible to make elks eat only a certain part of young pine trees? If you ask the researchers in the Beska project,...

MILABs official opening

On April 27 2017 we officially opened our materials and innovation laboratory MILAB at Mid Sweden University. MILAB is a laboratory for advanced material characterization, open and available for...

Innovation award for Organofuel

Our researchers in Organofuel has recieved an innovation award of 200 000 sek on Innovationsriksdagen in Linköping. Organofuel is a green start-up company in Sundsvall started by our researchers...

Paper replacing plastic

A unique manufacturing method for reinforcing paper packaging could mea new opportunities for the forestry industry.

The page was updated 10/2/2019