General information on third‑cycle education
Information on third-cycle education, such as the subjects available, the Higher Education Ordinance, equal opportunities and student representation.
Subjects and contacts
Questions about third-cycle courses and study programmes are answered by the heads of subject:
English: Helen Asklund (tf)
Business Administration: Peter Öhman
Comparative Literature: Anders Johansson
History: Samuel Edquist
Health Sciences: Mats Jong
Nursing: Lisbeth Kristiansen
Teaching and Learning: Jimmy Jaldemark
Psychology: Monique Pfaltz
Social Work: Sabine Gruber
Sociology: Katarina Giritli Nygren
Political Science: Niklas Bolin (tf)
Tourism Studies: Matthias Fuchs
Research Faculty
The Research Faculty bears overall responsibility for the quality, development and implementation of the courses and study programmes in the subjects that have third-cycle degree-awarding powers.
Student representation
You have many opportunities to influence your own education as a doctoral student, and it is important for you to make the most of this opportunity!
All subjects have a research faculty where students publicly defending their doctoral theses meet to discuss and make decisions relating to research and third-cycle courses. Doctoral students in the subject have the right to have a representative at the Research Faculty.
The Council for Third-Cycle Courses and Study Programmes bears overall responsibility for the quality of the faculty’s third-cycle courses and study programmes and makes decisions on matters such as admission of doctoral students and faculty-wide courses. Doctoral students at the faculty may have three representatives on the council for third-cycle courses and study programmes.
The Faculty Board is the faculty’s highest decision-making peer body, and many strategic issues are discussed and decided upon there. There are two seats on the Faculty Board for student representatives, and one of these is usually a doctoral student.
The student unions work in cooperation to appoint all (third cycle) student representatives: please contact them if you are interested.
Equal opportunities and Student Health Care
Equal opportunities
Everyone should feel motivated and welcome to work and study at Mid Sweden University. Employees and students must be treated with respect and dignity, and differences must be considered to promote individuals’ opportunities for work and study regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other beliefs, disability, sexual orientation, and age.
Report on equal opportunities in the third-cycle programme
Read more about Mid Sweden University's efforts to create equal opportunities
Student Health Care
The Student Health Centre provides preventive health care for students at Mid Sweden University and is a complement to the public health care system. Read more about what the Student Health Centre can help you with.
Governance and documents
Following documents and pages are in Swedish if you need translation, please contact Sara Häggström.
Information about third-cycle studies
The Swedish National Union of Students has published a handbook contains tips and advice for doctoral students and licentiate students, ‘The PhD Handbook’. This also contains information on the rights of doctoral students and information about admission to doctoral studies.
Read more on their website:
Young Academy of Sweden have launched A Beginner’s Guide to Swedish Academia.