Christina Dahlström

Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer


Triboelectric nanogenerator

Today there are challenges in the global energy supply and we see an environmental pollution causing climate changes. It is required that we develop sustainable power sources with reduced carbon emissions and renewable energy technologies.

In addition to this, the world is entering a new era thanks to the combination of 5G, AI, and the internet of things (IoT). Self-powered electronics are considered to be the building blocks of this coming industrial revolution. The traditional source of power in these devices is batteries but due to their limited lifetime, environmental impact and the need to be replaced after certain time, there is a need to find a “clean” and sustainable power source.

One promising technique is the triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) that converts mechanical energy to electricity. TENGs have attracted increasing attention because of their excellent energy conversion efficiency, the diverse choice of materials, and their broad applications in energy harvesting devices and self-powered sensors. Earlier on, green materials have been explored but their performances have not yet reached the level of the fluoropolymers. However, we have developed a high-performance, fully green TENG (FG-TENG) using cellulose-based tribolayers. It is shown that the FG-TENG has an output power density of above 300 W m−2, which is a new record for green-material-based TENGs. The high performance of the FG-TENG is due to the high positive charge density of the regenerated cellulose. The FG-TENG is stable after more than 30 000 cycles of operations in humidity of 30%–84%. This work demonstrates that high-performance TENGs can be made using natural green materials for a broad range of applications.



Artiklar i tidskrifter

Zhang, R. , Chen, D. , Hummelgård, M. , Blomquist, N. , Dahlström, C. , Chen, W. , Li, J. , Örtegren, J. & et al. (2024). Engineering Triboelectric Paper for Energy Harvesting and Smart Sensing. Advanced Materials,    

Fuente, E. , Svanedal, I. , Norgren, M. , Dahlström, C. , Eivazi, A. , Negro, C. & Blanco, Á. (2024). Focused beam reflectance measurement as a tool to monitor cellulose regeneration. Cellulose,  

Dahlström, C. , Eivazi, A. , Nejström, M. , Zhang, R. , Pettersson, T. , Iftikhar, H. , Rojas, O. J. , Medronho, B. & et al. (2024). Regenerated cellulose properties tailored for optimized triboelectric output and the effect of counter-tribolayers. Cellulose, vol. 31: 4, ss. 2047-2061.    

Dahlström, C. , Duan, R. , Eivazi, A. , Magalhães, S. , Alves, L. , Engholm, M. , Svanedal, I. , Edlund, H. & et al. (2024). Stacking self-gluing cellulose II films : A facile strategy for the formation of novel all-cellulose laminates. Carbohydrate Polymers, vol. 344    

Zhang, R. , Hummelgård, M. , Örtegren, J. , Andersson, H. , Olsen, M. , Chen, W. , Wang, P. , Dahlström, C. & et al. (2023). Energy Harvesting Using Wastepaper-Based Triboelectric Nanogenerators. Advanced Engineering Materials, vol. 25: 11  

Zhang, R. , Hummelgård, M. , Örtegren, J. , Andersson, H. , Olsen, M. , Chen, D. , Li, J. , Eivazi, A. & et al. (2023). Triboelectric nanogenerators with ultrahigh current density enhanced by hydrogen bonding between nylon and graphene oxide. Nano Energy, vol. 115  

Zhang, R. , Dahlström, C. , Zou, H. , Jonzon, J. , Hummelgård, M. , Örtegren, J. , Blomquist, N. , Yang, Y. & et al. (2020). Cellulose-Based Fully Green Triboelectric Nanogenerators with Output Power Density of 300 W m−2. Advanced Materials, vol. 32: 38    

Koppolu, R. , Blomquist, N. , Dahlström, C. & Toivakka, M. (2020). High-Throughput Processing of Nanographite-Nanocellulose-Based Electrodes for Flexible Energy Devices. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 59: 24, ss. 11232-11240.    

Blomquist, N. , Koppolu, R. , Dahlström, C. , Toivakka, M. & Olin, H. (2020). Influence of Substrate in Roll-to-roll Coated Nanographite Electrodes for Metal-free Supercapacitors. Scientific Reports, vol. 10: 1    

Dahlström, C. , López Durán, V. , Keene, S. T. , Salleo, A. , Norgren, M. & Wågberg, L. (2020). Ion conductivity through TEMPO-mediated oxidated and periodate oxidated cellulose membranes. Carbohydrate Polymers, vol. 233  

Alimohammadzadeh, R. , Osong, S. H. , Abbaszad Rafi, A. , Dahlström, C. & Cordova, A. (2019). Cellulosic Materials : Sustainable Surface Engineering of Lignocellulose and Cellulose by Synergistic Combination of Metal-Free Catalysis and Polyelectrolyte Complexes. Global Challenges, vol. 3: 7  

Blomquist, N. , Alimadadi, M. , Hummelgård, M. , Dahlström, C. , Olsen, M. & Olin, H. (2019). Effects of Geometry on Large-scale Tube-shear Exfoliation of Multilayer Graphene and Nanographite in Water. Scientific Reports, vol. 9: 1    

Yang, J. , Dahlström, C. , Edlund, H. , Lindman, B. & Norgren, M. (2019). pH-responsive cellulose–chitosan nanocomposite films with slow release of chitosan. Cellulose, vol. 26: 6, ss. 3763-3776.    

Alimohammadzadeh, R. , Osong, S. H. , Abbaszad Rafi, A. , Dahlström, C. & Cordova, A. (2019). Sustainable Surface Engineering of Lignocellulose and Cellulose by Synergistic Combination of Metal‐Free Catalysis and Polyelectrolyte Complexes. Global Challenges, vol. 3    

Andres, B. , Dahlström, C. , Blomquist, N. , Norgren, M. & Olin, H. (2018). Cellulose binders for electric double-layer capacitor electrodes : The influence of cellulose quality on electrical properties. Materials & design, vol. 141, ss. 342-349.    

Eivazihollagh, A. , Norgren, M. , Dahlström, C. & Edlund, H. (2018). Controlled Synthesis of Cu and Cu2O NPs and Incorporation of Octahedral Cu2O NPs in Cellulose II Films. Nanomaterials, vol. 8: 4    

Kumar, V. , Forsberg, S. , Engström, A. , Nurmi, M. , Dahlström, C. & Toivakka, M. (2017). Conductive carbon-nanocellulose coatings on paper. TAPPI Journal, vol. 16: 6, ss. 310-311.

Kumar, V. , Forsberg, S. , Engström, A. , Nurmi, M. , Andres, B. , Dahlström, C. & Toivakka, M. (2017). Conductive nanographite-nanocellulose coatings on paper. Flexible And Printed Electronics, vol. 2: 3  

Eivazihollagh, A. , Bäckström, J. , Dahlström, C. , Carlsson, F. , Ibrahem, I. , Lindman, B. , Edlund, H. & Norgren, M. (2017). One-pot synthesis of cellulose-templated copper nanoparticles with antibacterial properties. Materials letters (General ed.), vol. 187, ss. 170-172.    

Andres, B. , Engström, A. , Blomquist, N. , Forsberg, S. , Dahlström, C. & Olin, H. (2016). Electrode Mass Balancing as an Inexpensive and Simple Method to Increase the Capacitance of Electric Double-Layer Capacitors. PLOS ONE, vol. 11: 9, ss. 1-12.    

Forsberg, V. , Zhang, R. , Joakim, B. , Dahlström, C. , Andres, B. , Norgren, M. , Andersson, M. , Hummelgård, M. & et al. (2016). Exfoliated MoS2 in Water without Additives. PLOS ONE, vol. 11: 4    

Forsberg, V. , Zhang, R. , Andersson, H. , Bäckström, J. , Dahlström, C. , Norgren, M. , Andres, B. & Olin, H. (2016). Liquid Exfoliation of Layered Materials in Water for Inkjet Printing. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, vol. 60: 4, ss. 1-7.  

Osong, S. H. , Dahlström, C. , Forsberg, S. , Andres, B. , Engstrand, P. , Norgren, S. & Engström, A. (2016). Nanofibrillated cellulose/nanographite composite films. Cellulose, vol. 23: 4, ss. 2487-2500.  

Andres, B. , Forsberg, S. , Dahlström, C. , Blomquist, N. & Olin, H. (2014). Enhanced electrical and mechanical properties of nanographite electrodes for supercapacitors by addition of nanofibrillated cellulose. Physica status solidi. B, Basic research, vol. 251: 12, ss. 2581-2586.  

Dahlström, C. & Uesaka, T. (2012). Microstructure Variations in Paper Coating : Direct Observations. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 51: 24, ss. 8246-8252.  

Dahlström, C. , Allem, R. & Uesaka, T. (2011). New Method for Characterizing Paper Coating Structures Using Argon Ion Beam Milling and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy. Journal of Microscopy, vol. 241: 2, ss. 179-187.  

Dahlström, C. & Uesaka, T. (2009). New Insights into Coating Uniformity and Base Sheet Structures. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 48: 23, ss. 10472-10478.  

Artiklar, forskningsöversikter

Norgren, M. , Costa, C. , Alves, L. , Eivazi, A. , Dahlström, C. , Svanedal, I. , Edlund, H. & Medronho, B. (2023). Perspectives on the Lindman Hypothesis and Cellulose Interactions. Molecules, vol. 28: 10  


Dahlström, C. (2012). Quantitative microscopy of coating uniformity. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2012 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 129)  

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier

Dahlström, C. (2013). Sample Preparation Using Argon Ion Beam Milling. I Argon: Production, Characteristics and Applications. Hauppauge, NY : Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. S. 223-240.


Stolpe, A. , Eivazihollagh, A. , Norgren, M. , Zhang, R. & Dahlström, C. (2023). Regenerated cellulose TENG with colour printed surface for increased performance. I Book of Abstracts EPNOE 2023.. S. 132-

Dahlström, C. , Eivazihollagh, A. , Pettersson, T. , Rojas, O. J. , Zhang, R. , Medronho, B. & Norgren, M. (2023). Triboelectric Performance Of Regenerated Cellulose. I Book of Abstracts EPNOE 2023.. S. 116-

Zhang, R. , Hummelgård, M. , Örtegren, J. , Andersson, H. , Olsen, M. , Eivazihollagh, A. , Dahlström, C. , Norgren, M. & et al. (2023). Wastepaper-based Triboelectric Nanogenerators. I Book of Abstracts EPNOE 2023.

Koppolu, R. , Blomquist, N. , Dahlström, C. & Toivakka, M. (2019). Processability of Nanographite‐ Nanocellulose Based Electrodes for Flexible Energy Storage Applications. Paper presented at the 2019 TAPPI International conference on nanotechnology for renewable materials, Chiba, Japan, June 3-7, 2019

Toivakka, M. , Koppolu, R. , Blomquist, N. & Dahlström, C. (2019). Slot die coating of nanographite/nanocellulose-based electrodes for metal-free supercapacitors. Paper presented at the European Coating Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany, September 8-11, 2019

Zhang, R. , Olin, H. , Hummelgård, M. , Olsen, M. , Andersson, H. , Dahlström, C. & Örtegren, J. (2019). Towards large area energy harvesting using triboelectric nangenerators fabricated with green materials. Paper presented at the NENS 2019 The 4th International Conference on Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, June 15-17, 2019 Beijing, China

Forsberg, V. , Maslik, J. , Andersson, H. , Hummelgård, M. , Dahlström, C. , Toivakka, M. , Koppolu, R. , Olin, H. & et al. (2018). Printability of functional inkjet inks onto commercial inkjet substrates and a taylor made pigmented coated paper. Paper presented at the E-MRS, European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2018, Strasbourg, France, June 18-22, 2018

Alimohammadzadeh, R. , Osong, S. H. , Dahlström, C. & Cordova, A. (2018). Scalable Improvement of the Strength Properties of Chemimechanical Pulp Fibers by Eco-Friendly Catalysis. I IMPC 2018. Trondheim, Norway :

Kumar, V. , Forsberg, S. , Engström, A. , Nurmi, M. , Dahlström, C. & Toivakka, M. (2017). Conductive carbon-nanocellulose coatings on paper. I Paper Conference and Trade Show, PaperCon 2017 : Renew, Rethink, Redefine the Future.. S. 26--35.

Norgren, M. , Costa, C. , Yang, J. , Eivazihollagh, A. , Dahlström, C. , Mira, I. , Benjamins, J. , Edlund, H. & et al. (2017). Use of molecular cellulose in dispersions and design of nanocomposites. Paper presented at the ASMCS 2017, Stockholm, Sweden

Norgren, M. , Yang, J. , Costa, C. , Eivazihollagh, A. , Carlsson, F. , Dahlström, C. , Medronho, B. , Edlund, H. & et al. (2017). Water-based dissolution of wood cellulose and design of novel cellulose-based nanocomposite materials. Paper presented at the 253rd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, April 2–6, 2017

Forsberg, S. , Kumar, V. , Engström, A. , Maristiina, N. , Dahlström, C. & Martti, T. (2016). Effect of calendering and coating formulations on conductivity in paper-based electrodes. Paper presented at the TAPPI Advanced Coating Symposium 2016, October 4-6, 2016, Stockholm

Forsberg, V. , Zhang, R. , Andersson, H. , Bäckström, J. , Dahlström, C. , Norgren, M. , Andres, B. & Olin, H. (2016). Liquid Exfoliation of Layered Materials in Water for Inkjet Printing. I Printing for Fabrication 2016 : Materials, Applications, and Processes. USA :

Eivazihollagh, A. , Bäckström, J. , Dahlström, C. , Carlsson, F. , Ibrahem, I. , Edlund, H. & Norgren, M. (2016). One-pot synthesis of cellulose-templated copper nanoparticles with antibacterial properties. Paper presented at the ECIS 2016, Rome, Italy, September 4-9, 2016

Yang, J. , Dahlström, C. , Lindman, B. , Edlund, H. & Norgren, M. (2016). Preparation and Characterization of Bio-Nanocomposite Films from Mixed Cellulose-Chitosan Solutions. Paper presented at the The 30th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS 2016), Rome, Italy, 4-9 September, 2016

Yang, J. , Costa, C. , Eivazihollagh, A. , Carlsson, F. , Dahlström, C. , Medronho, B. , Edlund, H. , Lindman, B. & et al. (2016). Water-based dissolution of wood cellulose and design of novel cellulose-based nanocomposite materials. Paper presented at the Materials for Tomorrow, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 8-10, 2016

Andres, B. , Dahlström, C. , Engström, A. , Forsberg, S. , Blomquist, N. & Olin, H. (2015). Cellulose-based binder systems for electrochemical electrodes. Paper presented at the 2015 E-MRS Spring Meeting

Henshaw Osong, S. , Dahlström, C. , Forsberg, S. , Andres, B. , Engstrand, P. , Norgren, S. , Olin, H. & Engström, A. (2015). Development of CTMP-based nanofibrillated Cellulose /nanographite composites for paper applications. Paper presented at the 9th International Fundamental Mechanical Pulp Research Seminar, 19-20May, Trondheim, Norway

Alecrim, V. , Zhang, R. , Hummelgård, M. , Andres, B. , Dahlström, C. , Norgren, M. , Andersson, M. & Olin, H. (2015). Exfoliated Layered Materials for Digital Fabrication. I NIP & Digital Fabrication Conference. (NIP & Digital Fabrication Conference). S. 192--194.

Faria, G. C. , Duong, D. T. , Dahlström, C. , Rivnay, J. , Malliaras, G. , Owens, R. & Salleo, A. (2015). Modeling Transient Drain Current Response in Biofunctionalized Organic Electrochemical Transistors. Paper presented at the XIV Brazil MRS meeting

Forsberg, S. , Andres, B. , Blomquist, N. , Dahlström, C. , Engström, A. & Olin, H. (2015). Paper-based supercapacitors. Paper presented at the 2015 E-MRS Spring Meeting, May 11-15, 2015, Lille, France

Dahlström, C. , Andres, B. , Faria, G. C. , Engström, A. , Duong, D. T. & Salleo, A. (2015). Structural Change of Cellulose Nanofibers in Supercapacitor Electrodes during Galvanostatic Cycling. Paper presented at the 2015 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Dahlström, C. , Andres, B. & Forsberg, S. (2014). Coating Uniformity and its Effect on Supercapacitor Capacitance. Paper presented at the 2014 TAPPI Advanced Coating Fundamentals Symposium

Dahlström, C. & Uesaka, T. (2012). Coating Microstructures : Binder Distributions. I 12th TAPPI Advanced Coating Fundamentals Symposium Proceedings, Co-located with the 16th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, ISCST 2012.. S. 250--257.

Dahlström, C. , Uesaka, T. & Norgren, M. (2008). Base Sheet Structures that Control Coating Uniformity: Effects of Length Scale. I TAPPI Advanced Coating Fundamentals Symposium Proceedings.. S. 124--133.


Blomquist, N. , Koppolu, R. , Dahlström, C. , Toivakka, M. & Olin, H. Influence of Substrate in Slot-die Coating of Nanographite/Nanocelluose Electrodes for Supercapacitors.

Dahlström, C. & Uesaka, T. Surface Evolution of Pigment Coating.

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-09-13