Henrik Haller
Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer
- Tjänstetitel: Universitetslektor
- Akademisk titel: Filosofie Doktor
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1428136
- E-postadress: henrik.haller@miun.se
- Rumsnummer: Q323c
- Ort: Östersund
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Miljöteknik
- Miljövetenskap
Henrik Haller is a senior researcher and teacher in environmental science and environmental engineering, often with a focus on land use and food production. He has also many years’ experience of rural development with different local NGOs and management of an agroecological farm in Nicaragua.
Area of interest
Multifunctional land use, Agroforestry, Ecological Engineering Agroecology, Bioremediation, Sustainable Development in the Global South.
My current research is related to multifunctional land use in general and bioremediation of polluted soils in particular. A lot of my research has focused on sustainable development in the Global South and I have more than two decades of practical experience of tropical agroforestry and ecosystem restoration.
I have been the coordinator for the International Bachelor’s Programme in Ecotechnology and course coordinator for a number of courses at Bachelors and Masters level.
Att ställa om mindre och mellanstora städer till hållbara livsmedelssystem genom stadsodling
Främja hållbara beteenden genom scenkonst
Industriell symbios för konkurrenskraftig livsmedelsproduktion i Härnösand
Lokal upphandling för omställning mot ett hållbart livsmedelsystem
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Licentiatavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Jarquín Pascua, M. , Plata, T. , Lacayo Romero, M. & Haller, H. (2025). Chromium and Lead Tolerance of Fungi Isolated from Mining Sites in Santo Domingo, Chontales Nicaragua. Frontiers in Environmental Microbiology, vol. 11: 1, ss. 10-18.
Bengtsson, A. & Haller, H. (2025). Urban agriculture—An assessment of the potential of private gardens to cover the nutritional needs in four Swedish cities. Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems, vol. 10: 1
Kjellberg, M. , Skoglund, W. & Haller, H. (2024). Decreasing the carbon footprint of food through public procurement : —A case study from the municipality of Härnösand. Frontiers in Nutrition, vol. 11
ElNour, M. , Haller, H. & Martin, M. (2023). Life cycle assessment of a retail store aquaponic system in a cold-weather region. Frontiers in sustainability, vol. 3
Haller, H. , Pronoza, L. , Dyer, M. , Ahlgren, M. , Bergqvist, L. , Flores-Carmenate, G. & Jonsson, A. (2023). Phytoremediation of Heavy-Metal-Contaminated Soils : Capacity of Amaranth Plants to Extract Cadmium from Nutrient-Poor, Acidic Substrates. Challenges, vol. 14: 2
Haller, H. , Paladino, G. , Dupaul, G. , Gamage, S. , Hadzhaoglu, B. , Norström, S. , Eivazi, A. , Holm, S. & et al. (2023). Polluted lignocellulose-bearing sediments as a resource for marketable goods—a review of potential technologies for biochemical and thermochemical processing and remediation. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, vol. 25, ss. 409-425.
Fagerholm, A. , Haller, H. , Warell, A. & Hedvall, P. (2023). What a Waste – A norm-critical design study on how waste is understood and managed. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances, vol. 19
Kåresdotter, E. , Bergqvist, L. , Flores-Carmenate, G. , Haller, H. & Jonsson, A. (2022). Modeling the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Multifunctional Agroforestry-Based Phytoremediation (MAP) Systems in Chinandega, Nicaragua. Sustainability, vol. 14: 9
Haller, H. , Fagerholm, A. , Carlsson, P. , Skoglund, W. , van den Brink, P. , Danielski, I. , Brink, K. , Murat, M. & et al. (2022). Towards a Resilient and Resource-Efficient Local Food System Based on Industrial Symbiosis in Härnösand : A Swedish Case Study. Sustainability, vol. 14: 4
Mauerhofer, V. , Englund, O. , Grönlund, E. , Haller, H. , Jonsson, B. & van den Brink, P. (2021). Environmental net-gain governance : Global implementation challenges. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 321
Haller, H. , Jonsson, A. , Ljunggren, J. & Hedenström, E. (2020). Appropriate technology for soil remediation in tropical low-income countries - a pilot scale test of three different amendments for accelerated biodegradation of diesel fuel in Ultisol. Cogent Environmental Science, vol. 6: 1
Haller, H. & Jonsson, A. (2020). Growing food in polluted soils : A review of risks and opportunities associated with combined phytoremediation and food production (CPFP). Chemosphere, vol. 254
Haller, H. , Jonsson, A. & Fröling, M. (2018). Application of ecological engineering within the framework for strategic sustainable development for design of appropriate soil bioremediation technologies in marginalized regions. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 172, ss. 2415-2424.
Haller, H. , Jonsson, A. , Lacayo Romero, M. & Jarquín Pascua, M. (2018). Bioaccumulation and translocation of field-weathered toxaphene and other persistent organic pollutants in three cultivars of amaranth (A. cruentus ‘R127 México’, A. cruentus ‘Don León’ y A. caudatus ‘CAC 48 Perú’) – A field study from former cotton fields in Chinandega, Nicaragua. Ecological Engineering, vol. 121, ss. 65-71.
Haller, H. , Jonsson, A. , Montenegro Rayo, K. & Dávila López, A. (2016). Microbial transport of aerated compost tea organisms in clay loam and sandy loam : A soil column study. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, vol. 106: January, ss. 10-15.
Haller, H. (2017). Soil Remediation and Sustainable Development : Creating Appropriate Solutions for Marginalized Regions. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2017 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 264)
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Haller, H. , Flores-Carmenate, G. & Jonsson, A. (2020). Governance for Sustainable Remediation of Polluted Soil in Developing Countries. I Sustainability Concept In Developing Countries. London : IntechOpen.
Jonsson, A. & Haller, H. (2014). Sustainability Aspects of In-Situ Bioremediation of Polluted Soil in Developing Countries and Remote Regions. I Environmental Risk Assessment of Soil Contamination. InTech.
Haller, H. (2024). Using marginal lands for food production to hold back the agricultural sprawl. Paper presented at the The 6th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-2024), Marrakech, Marocco, 15-18 May, 2024
Fagerholm, A. , Haller, H. , Warell, A. & Hedvall, P. (2024). Waste(d) Design – exploring recycling environments from a universal design perspective. Paper presented at the UD2024 - Internationell konferens om Universal Design, Oslo, Norway, November 20-22, 2024
Haller, H. & Mauerhofer, V. (2022). Restoration & Liability Duties for Environmental Damages "from the past"? : The interplay of EU’s environmental liability, habitat & birds directives and Swedish fiber banks. I PROCEEDINGS of the 28th Annual Conference, International Sustainable Development Research Society : Sustainable Development and Courage: Culture, Art and Human Rights. Stockholm : . S. 1261--1261.
Fagerholm, A. , Göransson, K. , Haller, H. & Hedvall, P. (2022). What a Waste – A norm-critical study on how waste is understood and managed through integrating perspectives. I Book of Abstracts – The 28th Annual Conference, International Sustainable Development Research Society “Sustainable Development and Courage. Culture, Art and Human Rights” 15-17 june 2022.. S. 252--253.
Fagerholm, A. , Göransson, K. , Haller, H. & Carlsson, P. (2021). Visualizations of circular business models : a design perspective on concepts and visual presentations in the food industry. I Accelerating the progress towards the 2030 SDGs in times of crisis. Östersund : . S. 458--459.
Dupaul, G. , Kristoffersson, L. , Paladino, G. , Hacioglu, B. , Gamage, S. , Eivazihollagh, A. , Haller, H. , Holm, S. & et al. (2020). Fiberbanks as substrate and feedstock for biological remediation : A practical analytical method development for organic pollutants analysis. I Book of Abstracts.
Fagerholm, A. & Haller, H. (2020). Industriell Symbios för konkurrenskraftig livsmedelsproduktion i Härnösand. Paper presented at the Nationell Kraftsamling för Industriell och Urban Symbios (SNIUS), [DIGITAL], November 27, 2020.
Fagerholm, A. , Haller, H. & Brink, K. (2020). När varannan tugga är importerad mat – kan Foodtech öka svensk matproduktion och ge jobb i glesbygd?. Paper presented at the Mitt i vetenskapen, Webbinar Mittuniversitetet, Sundsvall, Sverige, 2020.
Haller, H. , Paladino, G. , Dupaul, G. , Holm, S. , Hadzhaoglu, B. , Eivazihollagh, A. , Gamage, S. , Hedenström, E. & et al. (2020). Polluted lignocellulose waste as a resource for marketable products. I Proceedings Linnaeus ECO-TECH 2020.
Haller, H. (2019). Business Models for reclaiming contaminated soil. Paper presented at the Food Hack by Krinova & Formas, 15-17th of March 2019 – Kristianstad, Sweden.
Haller, H. (2019). Food security and polluted soil : risks and opportunities for food production on polluted soils. Paper presented at the Agricultural Research for Development Conference, Agri4D 2019,Uppsala, September 25-26, 2019
Haller, H. & Jonsson, A. (2019). Phytoremediation and Agroforestry : mitigation of climate change, poverty reduction and cleaning of soils. Paper presented at the 4th World Congress on Agroforestry, Montpellier, France, 20-22 May, 2019
Haller, H. (2019). Reforestación como un medio para capturar carbono, combatir pobreza y remediar suelos en Mesoamérica. Paper presented at the Congreso Mesoamericano Ecotech Guatemala 6-8 March Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
Bergkvist, L. , Jonsson, E. , Haller, H. & Jonsson, A. (2018). Carbon Sequestration Potential f Agroforestry Systems For Phytoremediation In Chinandega, Nicaragua. I Linnaeus Eco-Tech 2018 : 11th International Conference on the Establishment of Cooperation among Companies and Institutions in the Nordic Countries, the Baltic Sea Region and the World.. S. 211--211.
Haller, H. (2018). Growing food in contaminated soil –risks and opportunities. Paper presented at the World Food and Agriculture Conference, 25-27 June, 2018, Stockholm Sweden
Haller, H. & Jonsson, A. (2016). Amaranth for phytoremediation of toxaphene-contaminated soil in Nicaragua - assessment of translocation in three cultivars. Paper presented at the 5th International Ecosummit; Ecological Sustainability, Engineering Change, Montpellier, France, 29 Aug-1 Sep, 2016
Pronoza, L. , Dyer, M. , Haller, H. , Jonsson, A. & Lacayo Romero, M. (2016). The use of an integrated planning guide to steer phytoremediation projects towards sustainability using the example of Amaranth (Amaranthus) to remediate toxaphene polluted soils in a tropical region. I Proceedings of the Linnaeus Eco-Tech 2016 International Conference on Natural Sciences and Technologies for Waste and Wastewater Treatment, Remediation, Emissions Related to Climate, Environmental and Economic Effects. : The Tenth International Conference on the Establishment of Cooperation between Companies and Institutions in the Nordic Countries, the Baltic Region and the World. Kalmar :
Iraguha, G. , Simons, S. , Haller, H. , Jonsson, A. & Montenegro, K. (2016). Using an integrated planning guide for the selection and design of a multi-process strategy for bioremediation of toxaphene and heavy metal contaminated soil in a tropical region. I Proceedings of the Linnaeus Eco-Tech Conference on Natural Sciences and Technologies for Waste and Wastewater Treatment, Remediation, Emissions related to Climate, Environmental, and Economic Effects. : The Tenth International Conference on the Establishment of Cooperation between Companies and Institutions in the Nordic Countries, the Baltic Sea Region and the World..
Haller, H. (2015). Bioremediacion - un estudio de caso de investigación ecotecnologica. Paper presented at the Ecotechnology - Living Technology for a Green Future, Managua, Nicaragua, April 19 2015
Haller, H. & Jonsson, A. (2014). Organic By-Products For Sustainable Soil Remediation - The Effect Of 3 Different Amendments On The Degradation Of Diesel Fuel In A Tropical Ultisol.. I ECO-TECH 2014. Kalmar :
Jonsson, A. & Haller, H. (2013). Ecological engineering to improve the sustainability of soil remediation inremote locations and developing countries. Paper presented at the The 19th biennial ISEM Conference - Ecological Modelling for Ecosystem Sustainability in the context of Global Change, Toulouse, France
Haller, H. (2015). Appropriate Technologies for Soil Remediation in Low Prioritized Region : Developing Countries and Sparsely Populated Regions. Lic.-avh. (Sammanläggning) Östersund : Mid Sweden University, 2015 (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis : 119)
Haller, H. , Englund, O. & van den Brink, P. (2020). Inventory of appropriate material and energy flows for foodtech applications in the municipality of Härnösand.. Östersund :
Haller, H. (2019). Growth substrate and other products from fibrous forest residues : –replacing peat and creating value from waste. Östersund : Mittuniversitetet
Fagerholm, A. & Haller, H. (2021). Tack för maten – ett samtal om hållbara livsmedelssystem : UR Samtiden tv-inspelning. Stockholm : Utbildnings Radion..