Julius Lidar

Doktorand|Doctoral Student


Artiklar i tidskrifter

Lidar, J. , Ainegren, M. & Sundström, D. (2023). Development and validation of dynamic bioenergetic model for intermittent ergometer cycling. European Journal of Applied Physiology, vol. 123: 12, ss. 2755-2770.  

Lidar, J. , Andersson, E. P. & Sundström, D. (2021). Validity and Reliability of Hydraulic-Analogy Bioenergetic Models in Sprint Roller Skiing. Frontiers in Physiology, vol. 12    


Lidar, J. , Sundström, D. & Ainegren, M. (2021). Impact of dynamic friction on race times in cross-country skate skiing - a numerical simulation study. I European College of Sports Science Virtual Congress, September 8-10, 2021.  


Lidar, J. (2023). Bioenergetic and Mechanical Modeling of Endurance Sports with Emphasis on Individualization. Lic.-avh. (Sammanläggning) Östersund : Mid Sweden University, 2023 (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis : 194)  

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-09-13