Circular Biomass 3.0
Project Circular Biomass 3.0 is based on the future industrialization of Norrland and focuses on research in clean environment and sustainable local food and energy production.
In Environmental Science, we offer first-cycle (undergraduate) and second-cycle (Master's) programmes and courses, and research is conducted within the research subject of Ecotechnology and environmental science.
Here, you can read more about research at Mid Sweden University.
Project Circular Biomass 3.0 is based on the future industrialization of Norrland and focuses on research in clean environment and sustainable local food and energy production.
Bioremediation by composting offers a sustainable nature-based solution to remediate polluted fiberbanks sediments, converting them into a safer and stable product for reuse as a soil amendment or...
Mistra Sport & Outdoors is a Swedish research and collaboration programme aiming to generate knowledge and solutions to increase sustainability in sport and outdoor recreation.
To foster sustainable urban development, Sundsvall Municipality, in collaboration with Mid Sweden University, is pioneering in nature-based and climate-neutral solutions for the remediation of...
The aim of the project is to enhance the sustainable production of wood biomass, interlinking current research efforts started in partnering Nordic and Baltic countries.
This research project focuses on barriers and possibilities for increased community gardening in small and medium-sized towns in Sweden. We particularly explore the potential of using community...
The page was updated 12/10/2024