AMIR - research project
The research project AMIR (assessment of mental health and early intervention for refugees) aims to develop and evaluate methods for assessment and intervention of mental illness among refugees.
Our research in psychology spans many areas of application, with an overarching theme of emotions, emotion expression and emotion processing.
Some of the research concerns mental health, such as the role of genetic factors in anxiety, screening and treatment of mental health among refugees, the effects of internet treatment, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on mental health, and the processing of traumatic memories.
Another focus of the emotion theme is research on fear, such as fear of childbirth and fear of predators. Further research deals with how we perceive emotions, for example on empathy and emotion recognition, or the connection between emotions and language such as bilingualism and how this affects assessments of various kinds.
Another track of our research concerns attitudes, stereotypes and prejudices related to different groups, such as what it is like to be an immigrant with non-normative sexual orientation, but also how judgments and decision-making are affected by attitudes and stereotypes, for example as applied to political decisions and recruitment and selection.
The research project AMIR (assessment of mental health and early intervention for refugees) aims to develop and evaluate methods for assessment and intervention of mental illness among refugees.
The main purpose of this project is to study how social, organizational, psychological, and physical factors affect employees and management in the public sector.
This project assesses whether a body oriented intervention can help to improve social well-being in individuals affected by child maltreatment who currently suffer from symptoms of posttraumatic...
Our network aims to understand the causes and consequences of child abuse in different cultures. The project will generate knowledge to develop interventions to improve the mental and physical...
The BFI-2 is an updated and psychometrically better personality test than the original version. In collaboration with our students and the authors of the test, we are now developing the Swedish...
This project explores whether a single session of a body oriented psychotherapeutic intervention (somatic experiencing) has a positive impact on perceived social safety.
Feeling in your own words is a project where we inventory words and expressions related to emotions and mental (un)health.
The aim of this project is to broaden the scope of competence, to see possibilities across borders, and not let preconceptions limit the view. We study: (1) how employers conceive of competence, wh...
Each year, approximately 115,000 children are born in Sweden, and about one in five pregnant women experience childbirth-related worry or fear. In this project, we validate a questionnaire assessin...
Our project aims to deepen the understanding of Impostor Phenomenon (IP) by validating the Clance Impostor Phenomenon Scale (CIPS) in a Swedish context and developing ACT-based interventions, both...
Development and evalutation of internet-based methods for assessment and treatment of mental ill-health among refugees. A research collaboration with LiU and KI.
Forskningsassistent| Research assistant
The page was updated 2/8/2024