Marcia Håkansson Lindqvist
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1427849
- E-postadress:
- Rumsnummer: D344
- Ort: Sundsvall
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Pedagogik
- Avdelning:
- Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap (UTV)
Forskningsprojektet om professionsutveckling för fritidslärare handlar om fritidslärares erfarenheter och upplevelser av akademiskt skrivande. Det ger bidrag till såväl innehåll i UVK-kurserna som VFU-kurserna och har bäring för både studenter och lärare inom programmet.
Förskolan som hälsofrämjande och attraktiv arbetsplats
Hur jobbar skolor med säkerhet och krisberedskap? En pilotstudie av Jämtlands Gymnasium Wargentin
Lifelong learning and organisational development
Duvkom - Digitalisering av utbildningsväsendet i kommunerna
European Education Policy Network
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Proceedings (redaktörsskap)
Samlingsverk (redaktör)
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Mozelius, P. , Cleveland-Innes, M. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. & Jaldemark, J. (2024). Critical aspects of a higher education reform for continuous lifelong learning opportunities in a digital era. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, vol. 22: 1, ss. 26-39.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Mozelius, P. & Jaldemark, J. (2024). Developing a support model for hybrid work-integrated continuous professional development. Discover Education, vol. 3: 1
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. & Arvidsson, C. (2024). Exploring Student and AI Generated Texts : Reflections on Reflection Texts. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, vol. 22: 6, ss. 52-59.
Nehez, J. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2024). External facilitators' practical work for school improvement : de-professionalising or developing improvement capacity?. Journal of educational change,
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Mozelius, P. , Jaldemark, J. & Cleveland-Innes, M. (2024). Higher education transformation towards lifelong learning in a digital era : a scoping literature review. International Journal of Lifelong Education, , ss. 24-38.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2023). AI meets James. Postdigital Science and Education, vol. 5: 3, ss. 547-548.
Seeliger, S. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2023). Dealing with Teacher Shortage in Germany : A closer view of four federal states. Education Sciences, vol. 13: 3
Seikkula-Leino, J. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Jonsdottir, S. R. , Olafsdottir, S. M. & Verma, P. (2023). Developing Entrepreneurial Society : Have We Ignored the Opportunities of Preschool Education?. Education Sciences, vol. 13: 7
Norberg, H. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. & Gustafsson, M. (2023). Older Individuals’ Experiences of Medication Management and Care After Discharge from Hospital. : An intrerview study. Patient Preference and Adherence, vol. 17, ss. 781-792.
Boström, L. , Bostedt, G. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2022). Den allvarliga lärarbristen i Sverige – hur kunde detta hända och vad kan vi göra?. Paideia, : 22, ss. 6-20.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Boström, L. & Gidlund, U. (2022). Teacher shortage in Sweden : time to take action?. Education in the North, vol. 29: 2, ss. 48-67.
Jaldemark, J. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Mozelius, P. & Ryberg, T. (2021). Editorial introduction : Lifelong learning in the digital era. British Journal of Educational Technology, vol. 52: 4, ss. 1576-1579.
Seikkula-Leino, J. , Jónsdóttir, S. R. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Westerberg, M. & Eriksson Bergström, S. (2021). Responding to global challenges through education : Entrepreneurial, sustainable, and pro-environmental education in nordic teacher education curricula. Sustainability, vol. 13: 22
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2021). The use of digital technologies in a 1:1 laptop initiative : The parent perspective., vol. 17: 01, ss. 1-28.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2020). Supporting teachers’ task design processes. Exploring an exemplary case of the use of the activity checklist. Mind, culture and activity, vol. 27: 4, ss. 348-359.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. & Pettersson, F. (2019). Digitalization and school leadership : on the complexity of leading for digitalization in school. The international journal of information and learning technology, vol. 36: 3, ss. 218-230.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Gustafsson, M. & Gallego, G. (2019). Exploring physicians, nurses and ward-based pharmacists working relationships in a Swedish inpatient setting : a mixed methods study. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, vol. 41: 3, ss. 728-733.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2019). School leaders' practices for innovative use of digital technologies in schools. British Journal of Educational Technology, vol. 50: 3, ss. 1226-1240.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2019). Talking about digital textbooks : The teacher perspective. The international journal of information and learning technology, vol. 36: 3, ss. 254-265.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2018). Reconstructing the doctoral publishing process. Exploring the liminal space. Higher Education Research and Development, vol. 37: 7, ss. 1395-1408.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2015). Exploring Activities Regarding Technology-Enhanced Learning in a One-to-One Initiative. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, vol. 10: 4, ss. 227-245.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2015). Gaining and Sustaining TEL in a 1:1 Laptop Initiative : Possibilities and Challenges for Teachers and Students. Computers in The Schools, vol. 32: 1, ss. 35-62.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2013). Possibilities and challenges for TEL from a student perspective through the uptake and use of digital technologies in a 1:1 initiative. Education Inquiry, vol. 4: 4
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2015). Conditions for Technology Enhanced Learning and Educational Change : a case study of a 1:1 initiative. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2015
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2024). Professionell ledarskapsidentitet … och trygghet – om digitalisering. I Rektorers yrkesidentitet och yrkestrygghet. Studentlitteratur AB. S. 205-214.
Berg, G. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2024). Rektorers yrkesidentitet och yrkestrygghet … – en introduktion. I Rektorers yrkesidentitet och yrkestrygghet. Studentlitteratur AB. S. 13-18.
Bonderup Dohn, N. , Jaldemark, J. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Öberg, L. , Ryberg, T. & De Laat, M. (2023). Conclusion : Emerging themes in sustainable networked learning. I Sustainable networked learning : Individual, sociological and design perspectives. Cham, Switwerland : Springer Nature (Research in Networked Learning). S. 265-279.
Jaldemark, J. , De Laat, M. , Bonderup Dohn, N. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Öberg, L. & Ryberg, T. (2023). Introduction. I Sustainable networked learning : Individual, sociological and design perspectives. Cham, Switwerland : Springer Nature (Research in Networked Learning). S. 1-15.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2023). Reflections on leading for digitalization : Digging deeper into professional digital competence for school leaders using the PEAT-model. I Digitalization and Digital Competence in Educational Contexts : A Nordic Perspective from Policy to Practice. Informa UK Limited. S. 66-77.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2022). Att skapa närhet : Aktivitetsbaserat lärande om intervjumetodik. I Använd rummet : Högskolepedagogiska metoder för aktiva lärosalar. Studentlitteratur AB. S. 137-141.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2021). Didaktiska reflektioner kring en kompetensutvecklingsinsats inom didaktik för lärarutbildare. I Didaktiska reflektioner - reflektioner om didaktik : specialnummer. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Utbildningsvetenskapliga studier). S. 11-26.
van Weelie, J. , Wilhelmsson, L. , Fransson, G. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2021). Från praxistriangeln till trädet : en reflektion över språk som didaktiskt verktyg. I Didaktiska reflektioner - reflektioner om didaktik : specialnummer. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Utbildningsvetenskapliga studier). S. 109-125.
Styf, M. , Sahlin, S. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2021). Professionshandledning : - Att utveckla rektor yrkesidentitet och yrkestrygghet. I Att jobba som rektor : - om rektorer som professionella yrkesutövare. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB. S. 233-242.
Augustsson, G. , Berg, J. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2021). Skolutveckling i styrkedjan mellan förvaltning och klassrum. I Att förbättra skolor med stöd i forskning : exempel, analyser och utmaningar. Natur och kultur. S. 159-184.
Styf, M. , Sahlin, S. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2020). Professionsutvecklande handledning, att utveckla en rektors professionella ledarskapsidentitet. I Perspektiv på handledning för ledare i förskola och skola. Malmö : Gleerups Utbildning AB. S. 123-142.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2019). Conditions for Teaching with Mobile Technology in the School Classroom. I Emergent Practices and Material Conditions in Learning and Teaching with Technologies. Cham : Springer. S. 69-87.
Jaldemark, J. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. & Mozelius, P. (2019). Teachers’ beliefs about professional development : Supporting emerging networked practices in higher education. I Networked professional learning : Emerging and equitable discourses for professional development. Springer. S. 147-164.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2019). The Uptake and Use of Digital Technologies and Professional Development : Exploring the University Teacher Perspective. I Handbook of Research on Faculty Development for Digital Teaching and Learning. IGI Global. S. 505-525.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2015). Possibilities and Challenges in a One-to-One Initiative from a School Leader Perspective. I Handbook of Research on Applied Learning Theory and Design in Modern Education. IGI Global. S. 270-291.
Jaldemark, J. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Mozelius, P. & Öhman, P. (2024). Building hybrids between higher education and society : Applying a networked work-integrated learning framework in a business administration program. I Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Networked Learning 2024. Aalborg : . S. 1--4.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Mozelius, P. , Jaldemark, J. & Cleveland-Innes, M. (2024). Continuous professional development inside and outside of the university : Suggestions from a Delphi expert panel. I EARLI SIG14 Conference 2024 : Abstract book. Jyväskylä : . S. 92--93.
Jaldemark, J. , Cleveland-Innes, M. , Mozelius, P. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. & Sundgren, M. (2024). FAITH : Educating the educators on artificial intelligence in higher education. I Symposium on AI Opportunities and Challenges : An Avalanche of AI to Radically Change Society.. S. 15--16.
Jaldemark, J. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Mozelius, P. & Öhman, P. (2024). Higher education lifelong learning initiatives in the tension between organisational and continuous professional development. Paper presented at the The 12th biennial conference of EARLI SIG 14, JYVÄSKYLÄ, FINLAND, 21-23 August, 2024
Jaldemark, J. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Mozelius, P. & Öhman, P. (2023). Bringing work to school : Transforming higher education through a lifelong and work-integrated learning approach. I ICERI2023 Proceedings. Sevilla, Spain : . S. 1543--1550.
Mozelius, P. , Cleveland-Innes, M. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. & Jaldemark, J. (2023). Digging deeper with Delphi : The four step Alberta approach. I Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies. Reading, UK : (European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies). S. 123--128.
Mozelius, P. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2023). From the Project Sandbox to the Real World : Work-integrated Professional development for Bank and Insurance Companies. I INTED 2023 Proceedings. Valencia, Spain : (INTED Proceedings). S. 667--672.
Cleveland-Innes, M. , Jaldemark, J. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. & Mozelius, P. (2023). Higher education for lifelong learning : Shaping the new global social contract for education. Paper presented at the 17th Higher Education Reform (HER2023) Conference, University of Glasgow, 21-23 June, 2023
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. & Arvidson, C. (2023). Students’ Reflective texts : Reflections on Exploring Authentic and AI-generated Texts. I SAIOC Book of Abstracts : Online Symposium on AI Opportunities and Challenges (SAIOC): Education will never be the same again.. S. 27--27.
Boström, L. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Wullner, S. , Rahl, S. & Kragh Blume Dahl, K. (2023). Teachers’ shortage in Sweden, Denmark, and Germany. Paper presented at the ECER 2023, Glasgow, Scotland, 25-28 August, 2023
Mozelius, P. , Cleveland-Innes, M. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. & Jaldemark, J. (2023). The transition of higher education for continuous lifelong learning : Expert views on the need for a new infrastructure. I Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Knowledge Management. Lisbon : . S. 916--923.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. & Stockenstrand, A. (2022). Important steps in creating conditions for networked learning in work-integrated learning using the lens of liminality. Paper presented at the The Thirteenth International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC2022), Sundsvall, Sweden, May 16-18, 2022.
Jaldemark, J. , Cleveland-Innes, M. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. & Mozelius, P. (2022). Lifelong learning and the transformation of higher education : A preliminary framework built on networked learning experts’ perceptions. I Networked Learning 2022 : Proceedings for the Thirteenth International Conference on Networked Learning. Aalborg : . S. 292--296.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Olofsson, A. D. & Mozelius, P. (2022). Networked aspects of lifelong work-integrated learning : the BUFFL case. I The Thirteenth International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC2022).
Arvidson, C. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2022). Reflektionstexter som underlag för kursutveckling. Paper presented at the NU2022, Stockholm, 15-17 Juni 2022
Mozelius, P. , Olofsson, A. D. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2022). Reinforcing Work-integrated Learning with Technology Enhancement and the Concept of Bringing Your Own Data. I Proceedings of 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Zimmerman, J. K. M. , Gladh, C. , Olofsson, M. & Mattsson, M. (2022). Sustainability in Mid Sweden University everyday life (HIMUV) : Project design and preliminary results to date.. Paper presented at the Education with Sustainability konferens, Sligo, Ireland, 15-17th August, 2022
Mozelius, P. , Olofsson, A. D. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2021). Academy meets the Industry : a Study of the User Perspective on an Online Continuous Education in Banking and Insurance Companies. I Proceedings of ICERI 2021. Valencia :
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Mozelius, P. , Jaldemark, J. & Cleveland-Innes, M. (2020). A literature review of higher education reform and lifelong learning in a digital era. I Enhancing the human experience of learning with technology : New challenges for research into digital, open, distance & networked education.. S. 189--197.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Mozelius, P. , Sundgren, M. , Jaldemark, J. & Öhman, P. (2020). Building a network for collaborative support in professional development . I NETWORKED LEARNING 2020 : PROCEEDINGS FOR THE TWELFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NETWORKED LEARNING. Kolding, Denmark : . S. 108--111.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. & Fanny, P. (2020). Digitalization and School Leadership : Through the lens of the ecology of resources model. I Proceedings of the international conference on information communication technologies in education (ICICTE) 2020.. S. 22--34.
Boström, L. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2020). Network building and comparative research about teacher shortage in Denmark, Germany and Sweden. Paper presented at the 1st Dresden Conference on Lateral Entry and second Career Teachers, Dresden, Germany, [DIGITAL], November 24-26, 2020.
Boström, L. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2020). The Teacher Shortage in Sweden – What to do and how?. Paper presented at the 1st Dresden Conference on Lateral Entry and second Career Teachers, [DIGITAL], November 24-26, 2020.
Mozelius, P. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Jaldemark, J. & Öhman, P. (2020). Towards a Support Model for Work Integrated Professional Development : a first evaluation of the CHIM steps. I 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation.. S. 64--69.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2019). Digital technologies in preschool : Teacher work teams’ use of shared active board. I Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education.. S. 132--143.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2019). School leaders' texts on school development projects : Exploring prevailing issues. Paper presented at the World Education Leadership Symposium (WELS), PH Zug, Switzerland, 25-27 September, 2019.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2018). Conditions for Technology Enhanced Learning and Educational Change : A case study of a 1:1 initiative. Paper presented at the 5th ICRTEL 2018 – International Conference on Research in Teaching, Education & Learning, Singapore, 14-15 November.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. & Pettersson, F. (2018). Leading For Digitalization : Exploring The Leadership Perspective. I ICICTE 2018 Proceedings.. S. 371--381.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Jaldemark, J. & Mozelius, P. (2018). Professional development as a collaborative endeavour of networked learning in higher educational settings : Dissemination of knowledge among teacher training professionals. I Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Networked Learning 2018. (Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Learning)
Mozelius, P. , Jaldemark, J. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2018). Teachers’ beliefs about professional development and the use of collaborative online tools in higher educational settings. I Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Networked Learning 2018. (International Conference on Networked Learning). S. 361--364.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2018). Teaching With Digital Textbooks : Possibilities And Challenges From The Teacher Perspective. I ICICTE 2018 Proceedings.. S. 77--87.
Sundgren, M. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Jaldemark, J. , Mozelius, P. & Öberg, L. (2017). Design of Active Learning Spaces for Blended Learning Groups - the Teacher Perspective. I International Forum on Active Learning Classrooms, Minnesota, MN, August 9-11 2017.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2017). Facilitating Pedagogical Digital Competence for Teachers: Exploring a project model for schools as organizations. I Proceedings of the Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Annual Conference 2017.
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2017). Förutsättningar för teknikstött lärande. Ett 1:1 initiativ. I Book of Abstracts, NGL Next Generation Learning Conference.
Liljeström, M. , Gu, L. , Holmgren, R. , Holmgren, T. , Paulin, H. , Råde, A. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2017). How will they react if we make them talk? : Students’ experiences from learner-created video tasks in online university education in Sweden. I Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education 2017.. S. 318--328.
Stödberg, U. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2017). Municipal implementation of a new learning management system in K-12 schools : The teacher perspective. I Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education 2017.. S. 33--42.
Olofsson, A. D. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. , Lindberg, J. O. , From, J. , Stödberg, U. & Holmgren, T. (2017). Pedagogical digital competence for police teachers in relation to distance-based police education. I INTED2017 Proceedings. (INTED2017 Proceedings). S. 4219--4227.
Jaldemark, J. & Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2017). Professional development with the help of mobile and blended learning : Teachers beliefs about changing higher education practices. Paper presented at the Invited Research seminar on Networked Learning for Professional Development Aalborg, Denmark, 5-7 april, 2017
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (2016). The uptake and use of digital technologies in a 1:1 laptop initiative : Exploring the parent perspective. I Proceedings of Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE 2016). (AARE Conference Proceedings)
Proceedings (redaktörsskap)
Jaldemark, J. (ed.) , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (ed.) , Mozelius, P. (ed.) , Öberg, L. (ed.) , De Laat, M. (ed.) , Bonderup Dohn, N. (ed.) & Ryberg, T. (ed.) (2022). Networked Learning 2022 : Proceedings for the Thirteenth International Conference on Networked Learning. Aalborg : Networked Learning Conference Consortium
Mozelius, P. , Cleveland-Innes, M. , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. & Jaldemark, J. (2024). En expertgrupps syn på livslångt lärande inom högre utbildning : Förändringsbehov och vidareutveckling. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Rapport / CER - Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationer 2024:1).
Håkansson Lindqvist, M. & Nehez, J. (2023). Processtödjares praktiska arbete för förbättringskapacitet hos huvudmän och skolor i Samverkan för bästa skola. Stockholm : (FOUS Rapport ).
Samlingsverk (redaktör)
Berg, G. (ed.) , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (ed.) , Wede, C. (ed.) & Sundh, F. (ed.) (2024). Rektorers yrkesidentitet och yrkestrygghet. Studentlitteratur AB
Bonderup Dohn, N. (ed.) , Jaldemark, J. (ed.) , Öberg, L. (ed.) , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (ed.) , Ryberg, T. (ed.) & De Laat, M. (ed.) (2023). Sustainable Networked Learning : Individual, Sociological and Design Perspectives. Cham, Switwerland : Springer Nature (Research in Networked Learning ).
Ahlström, B. (ed.) , Berg, G. (ed.) , Håkansson Lindqvist, M. (ed.) & Sundh, F. (ed.) (2021). Att jobba som rektor : om rektorer som professionella yrkesutövare. Studentlitteratur AB