Mats Ainegren

Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer


Avlade doktorsexamen 2012-05-23. Avhandlingen hade en inriktning mot laborativ sportteknologi och titeln:
"Roller skis' rolling resistance and grip characteristics - Influences on physiological and performance measures in cross-country skiers"


Sportteknologi: Människa och utrustning i samverkan. Biomekanik och prestationsoptimering
Idrottsfysiologi: Längdskidåkning


Produktutveckling inom sportteknologi samt mekaniska och fysiologiska experiment på utrustning och prestation hos längdskidåkare.
Astmaprevention hos vinteridrottare.
Effekter av luftmotstånd och drafting i längdskidåkning och skidskytte.


Anatomi och Fysiologi
Tillämpad mätteknik
Forskningsmetodik och vetenskapligt skrivande


Programansvarig för programmet Sportteknologi - Högskoleingenjör, produktutveckling, 180 hp.


Artiklar i tidskrifter

Lidar, J. , Ainegren, M. & Sundström, D. (2023). Development and validation of dynamic bioenergetic model for intermittent ergometer cycling. European Journal of Applied Physiology, vol. 123: 12, ss. 2755-2770.  

Jong, M. , Hanstock, H. G. , Stenfors, N. & Ainegren, M. (2023). Elite skiers' experiences of heat- and moisture-exchanging devices and training and competition in the cold : A qualitative survey. Health Science Reports, vol. 6: 9  

Stenfors, N. , Persson, H. , Tutt, A. , Tufvesson, E. , Andersson, E. P. , Ainegren, M. & Hanstock, H. G. (2022). A breathing mask attenuates acute airway responses to exercise in sub-zero environment in healthy subjects. European Journal of Applied Physiology, vol. 122: 6, ss. 1473-1484.  

Ainegren, M. , Hanstock, H. & Stenfors, N. (2022). Breathing resistance in heat and moisture exchanging devices. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P, vol. 236: 2, ss. 97-105.    

Ainegren, M. , Linnamo, V. & Lindinger, S. (2022). Effects of Aerodynamic Drag and Drafting on Propulsive Force and Oxygen Consumption in Double Poling Cross-Country Skiing. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 54: 7, ss. 1058-1065.  

Hanstock, H. , Tutt, A. S. , Persson, H. , Andersson, E. , Ainegren, M. & Stenfors, N. (2021). 390 Can a heat-and-moisture exchanger attenuate inflammatory responses to exercise in sub-zero conditions?. British Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 55: Suppl 1  

Tutt, A. , Persson, H. , Andersson, E. P. , Ainegren, M. , Stenfors, N. & Hanstock, H. G. (2021). A heat and moisture-exchanging mask impairs self-paced maximal running performance in a sub-zero environment. European Journal of Applied Physiology, vol. 121: 7, ss. 1979-1992.    

Stenfors, N. , Hanstock, H. , Ainegren, M. & Lindberg, A. (2021). Usage of and attitudes toward heat‐ and moisture‐exchanging breathing devices among adolescent skiers. Translational sports medicine, vol. 4: 3, ss. 337-343.    

Ainegren, M. , Jensen, K. & Rosdahl, H. (2020). Breathing resistance in metabolic systems : Its effects on pulmonary ventilation and oxygen uptake in elite athletes with high aerobic power. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P, vol. 234: 3, ss. 217-226.  

Hanstock, H. , Ainegren, M. & Stenfors, N. (2020). Exercise in Sub-zero Temperatures and Airway Health : Implications for Athletes With Special Focus on Heat-and-Moisture-Exchanging Breathing Devices. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, vol. 2: 34    

Ainegren, M. , Tuplin, S. , Carlsson, P. & Render, P. (2019). Design and development of a climatic wind tunnel for physiological sports experimentation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P, vol. 233: 1, ss. 86-100.  

Ainegren, M. , Jensen, K. & Rosdahl, H. (2018). Breathing resistance in automated metabolic systems is high in comparison with the Douglas Bag method and previous recommendations. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P, vol. 232: 2, ss. 122-130.  

Ainegren, M. , Carlsson, P. , Laaksonen, M. S. & Tinnsten, M. (2014). The influence of grip on oxygen consumption and leg forces when using classical style roller skis. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, vol. 24: 2, ss. 301-310.  

Ainegren, M. , Carlsson, P. & Tinnsten, M. (2013). An experimental study to compare the grip of classical style roller skis with on-snow skiing. Sports Engineering, vol. 16: 2, ss. 115-122.  

Tesch, P. , Pozzo, M. , Ainegren, M. , Swarén, M. & Linnehan, R. M. (2013). Cardiovascular responses to rowing on a novel ergometer designed for both resistance and aerobic training in space. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, vol. 84: 5, ss. 516-521.  

Ainegren, M. , Carlsson, P. , Tinnsten, M. & Laaksonen, M. S. (2013). Skiing economy and efficiency in recreational and elite cross-country skiers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, vol. 27: 5, ss. 1239-1252.  

Laaksonen, M. , Ainegren, M. & Lisspers, J. (2011). Evidence of improved shooting precision in biathlon after 10-weeks of combined relaxation and specific shooting training. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, vol. 40: 4, ss. 237-250.  

Stöggl, T. , Mueller, E. , Ainegren, M. & Holmberg, H. (2011). General strength and kinetics: fundamental to sprinting faster in cross country skiing?. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, vol. 21: 6, ss. 791-803.  

Carlsson, P. , Tinnsten, M. & Ainegren, M. (2011). Numerical Simulation of Cross Country Skiing. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 14: 8, ss. 741-746.  

Ainegren, M. , Carlsson, P. & Tinnsten, M. (2009). Roller ski rolling resistance and its effects on elite athletes’ performance. Sports Engineering, vol. 11: 3, ss. 143-157.  

Ainegren, M. , Carlsson, P. & Tinnsten, M. (2008). Rolling resistance for treadmill roller skiing. Sports Engineering, vol. 11: 1, ss. 23-29.  


Ainegren, M. (2012). Roller skis' rolling resistance and grip characteristics : influences on physiological and performance measures in cross-country skiers. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Östersund : Mid Sweden University, 2012 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 125)  

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier

Carlsson, P. , Ainegren, M. , Tinnsten, M. , Sundström, D. , Esping, B. , Koptioug, A. & Bäckström, M. (2015). Cross-Country Ski. I The Engineering Approach to Winter Sports. Springer. S. 107-152.    

Ainegren, M. , Rännar, L. , Carlsson, P. & Tinnsten, M. (2013). The multifunctional roller ski. I Science and Nordic Skiing II. University of Salzburg, University of Jyväskylä. S. 253-261.


Ek, L. , Hanstock, H. , Ainegren, M. , Lindberg, A. & Stenfors, N. (2024). Förekomst av och riskfaktorer för ansträngningsutlöst bronkkonstriktion hos unga elitsatsande skidåkare. : En screeningstudie med ansträngningstest i köldkammare. Paper presented at the Svenska Lungkongressen, Örebro, 24-26 april, 2024

Ek, L. , Hanstock, H. , Ainegren, M. , Lindberg, A. & Stenfors, N. (2024). Prevalence of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction in adolescent cross-country skiers using exercise challenge test in sub-zero air. Paper presented at the ERS congress, Vienna, Austria, 7-11 September, 2024

Lidar, J. , Sundström, D. & Ainegren, M. (2021). Impact of dynamic friction on race times in cross-country skate skiing - a numerical simulation study. I European College of Sports Science Virtual Congress, September 8-10, 2021.  

Hanstock, H. , Tutt, A. , Persson, H. , Andersson, E. , Ainegren, M. & Stenfors, N. (2020). A heat-and-moisture exchanging mask may increase the physiological demands of submaximal exercise in -15 degrees Celsius.. I Book of Abstracts of the 25th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science – 28th - 30th October 2020.. S. 75--76.

Tutt, A. , Persson, H. , Andersson, E. , Ainegren, M. , Stenfors, N. & Hanstock, H. (2020). A heat-and-moisture-exchanging mask affects each sex differently during exercise in sub-zero conditions. Paper presented at the Nordic Winter Sports Conference 2020, [DIGITAL]  

Ainegren, M. , Michel, F. , Klauer, R. , Kopyug, A. , Bäckström, M. , Samuelsson, D. , Ahnesjö, M. & Litzenberger, S. (2020). A Study of Skin-Close Heat and Moisture with Different Types of Backpacks in Cycling. I The 13th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association. (MDPI Proceedings)  

Tutt, A. , Persson, H. , Andersson, E. , Ainegren, M. , Stenfors, N. & Hanstock, H. (2020). Heat-and-moisture exchanging masks : Advantage or a hindrance during exercise in sub-zero conditions?. I Book of Abstracts of the 25th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 28th - 30th October, 2020... S. 49--50.

Tutt, A. , Persson, H. , Andersson, E. , Ainegren, M. , Stenfors, N. & Hanstock, H. (2020). Sex differences in muscle oxygenation during sub-zero exercise with a heat-and-moisture exchanger. Paper presented at the Nordic Winter Sports Conference 2020, [DIGITAL], 1-2 October, 2020

Ainegren, M. & Jonsson, P. (2018). Drag Area, Frontal Area and Drag Coefficient in Cross-Country Skiing Techniques. I Proceedings, Volume 2, ISEA 2018.    

Koptioug, A. , Bäckström, M. , Ainegren, M. & Nilsson, K. (2018). Studying Moisture Transport Trough "Active" Fabrics Using Humidity-Temperature Sensor Nodes. I Proceedings, Volume 2, ISEA 2018 : .. S. 230-    

Koptyug, A. , Ainegren, M. , Bäckström, M. , Schieber, E. & Persson, J. (2016). Possibility of modern humidity sensor application in the studies ofmoisture transport through the sports and outdoor garments. I icSPORTS 2016 - Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support. Portugal : (Scitepress Digital Library). S. 51--58.  

Andersson, F. , Skoglund, P. , Viktorsson, J. & Ainegren, M. (2015). A Portable Douglas Bag System. I Congress Proceedings : ICSNS 2015.. S. 59-

Koptyug, A. & Ainegren, M. (2015). Experimental measurement of rifle dynamics during the range shooting of biathlon weapons. I Procedia Engineering : The Impact of Tecnology on Sport VI.. S. 349--354.    

Ainegren, M. , Carlsson, P. & Tinnsten, M. (2013). A portable roller ski rolling resistance measurement system. I The Impact of Technology on Sport V : Procedia Engineering.. S. 79--83.    

Ainegren, M. , Rännar, L. , Carlsson, P. & Tinnsten, M. (2012). The multi functional roller ski. Paper presented at the ICSNS 2012, 2nd International Congress on Science and Nordic Skiing, May 28th - 31st, Vuokatti, Finland

Ainegren, M. , Carlsson, P. & Tinnsten, M. (2011). Classical style constructed roller skis and grip functionality. I Procedia Engineering : The Impact of Technology on Sports IV. (Procedia Engineering). S. 4--9.    

Laaksonen, M. , Ainegren, M. & Lisspers, J. (2009). Effects of combined relaxation and shooting training on shooting performance in biathlon. I Effects of combined relaxation and shooting training on shooting performance in biathlon.

Carlsson, P. , Tinnsten, M. & Ainegren, M. (2009). Numeric Simulation of Cross Country Skiing.

Ainegren, M. , Carlsson, P. , Tinnsten, M. & Laaksonen, M. (2009). Work economy of amateur and elite cross-country skiers during treadmill roller skiing. I 4th Asia Pacific Congress on Sports Technology, APCST2009.

Tesch, P. , Ainegren, M. , Östberg, J. , Swarén, M. & Holmberg, H. (2008). Peak oxygen uptake using a training device for combined resistance and aerobic exercise in space and on earth. I 13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science. Cologne : . S. 523-

Ainegren, M. , Carlsson, P. & Tinnsten, M. (2008). Roller ski rolling resistance and its effects on elite athletes’ performance. I ENGINEERING OF SPORT 7, VOL 2.. S. 393--400.

Ainegren, M. , Carlsson, P. & Tinnsten, M. (2006). Rolling resistance for treadmill roller skiing : Presented at International Congress on Science and Nordic Skiing 2006, June 18-20, 2006, Vuokatti, Finland.


Ainegren, M. (2010). The rolling resistances of roller skis and their effects on human performance during treadmill roller skiing. Lic.-avh. (Sammanläggning) Sundsvall : Kopieringen Mid Sweden University, 2010 (Mid Sweden University licentiate thesis : 42)  

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-09-13