Birgitta Engberg

Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer


Artiklar i tidskrifter

Ferritsius, R. , Sandberg, C. , Rundlöf, M. , Ferritsius, O. , Daniel, G. , Engberg, B. A. & Nilsson, F. (2024). Development of fibre properties in mill scale : High-and low consistency refining of thermomechanical pulp (part 2)-Importance of fibre curl. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 39: 4, ss. 575-585.  

Lindström, S. B. , Persson, J. , Ferritsius, R. , Ferritsius, O. & Engberg, B. A. (2024). Multivariate lognormal mixture for pulp particle characterization. Cellulose, vol. 31: 3, ss. 1843-1854.  

Lindström, S. B. , Amjad, R. , Gåhlin, E. , Andersson, L. , Kaarto, M. , Liubytska, K. , Persson, J. , Berg, J. & et al. (2024). Pulp Particle Classification Based on Optical Fiber Analysis and Machine Learning Techniques. Fibers, vol. 12: 1    

Fallahjoybari, N. , Engberg, B. , Persson, J. , Berg, J. & Lundstrom, T. S. (2023). An investigation of forces on a representative surface in a pulp flow through rotating and non-rotating grooves. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, vol. 45: 5  

Ferritsius, O. , Ferritsius, R. , Rundlöf, M. , Reyier Österling, S. & Engberg, B. A. (2022). Heterogeneity of Thermomechanical and Chemi-thermomechanical Pulps described with distributions of an independent common bonding factor on particle level. BioResources, vol. 17: 1, ss. 763-784.  

Fallahjoybari, N. , Engberg, B. , Persson, J. & Berg, J. (2021). Investigation of pulp flow helicity in rotating and non-rotating grooves. Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part E, journal of process mechanical engineering, vol. 235: 6, ss. 2045-2058.  

Niskanen, I. , Forsberg, V. , Zakrisson, D. , Engberg, B. A. , Heikkilä, R. & Thungström, G. (2020). Determination of relative solids concentration in homogeneous dual component pulp-filler suspension by multi-spectrophotometer. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 35: 1, ss. 71-77.  

Fallahjoybari, N. , Engberg, B. A. & Persson, J. (2020). Large eddy simulation of turbulent pulp flow in a channel. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, vol. 285  

Sandberg, C. , Nelsson, E. , Engberg, B. A. , Berg, J. & Engstrand, P. (2018). Effects of chip pretreatment and feeding segments on specific energy and pulp quality in TMP production. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 33: 3, ss. 448-459.  

Moilanen, C. , Björkqvist, T. , Ovaska, M. , Koivisto, J. , Miksic, A. , Engberg, B. A. , Salminen, L. I. , Saarenrinne, P. & et al. (2017). Influence of strain rate, temperature and fatigue on the radial compression behaviour of Norway spruce. Holzforschung, vol. 71: 6, ss. 505-514.  

Moilanen, C. S. , Björkqvist, T. , Engberg, B. A. , Salminen, L. I. & Saarenrinne, P. (2016). High strain rate radial compression of Norway spruce earlywood and latewood. Cellulose, vol. 23: 1, ss. 873-889.  

Moilanen, C. S. , Saarenrinne, P. , Engberg, B. A. & Björkqvist, T. (2015). Image-based stress and strain measurement of wood in the split-Hopkinson pressure bar. Measurement science and technology, vol. 26: 8  

Berg, J. , Sandberg, C. , Engberg, B. A. & Engstrand, P. (2015). Low-consistency refining of mechanical pulp in the light of forces on fibres. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 30: 2, ss. 225-229.    

Salmi, A. , Salminen, L. I. , Engberg, B. A. , Bjorkqvist, T. & Haeggstrom, E. (2012). Repetitive impact loading causes local plastic deformation in wood. Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 111: 2, ss. Art. no. 024901  

Björkqvist, T. , Engberg, B. A. , Salminen, L. I. & Salmi, A. (2012). Towards optimal defibration : Energy reduction by fatiguing pre-treatment. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 27: 2, ss. 168-172.      

Svensson, B. A. , Nyström, S. K. , Gradin, P. A. & Höglund, H. (2009). Frictional testing of wood : Initial studies with a new device. Tribology International, vol. 42: 1, ss. 190-196.  

Holmgren, S. , Svensson, B. A. , Gradin, P. A. & Lundberg, B. (2008). An Encapsulated Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar for Testing of Wood at Elevated Strain Rate, Temperature and Pressure. Experimental techniques (Westport, Conn.), vol. 32: 5, ss. 44-50.  

Svensson, B. , Vesterlind, E. & Höglund, H. (2007). Frictional properties of native and chemically modified birch wood. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 22: 3, ss. 325-330.    

Svensson, B. (2006). Friktionens inverkan på energiförbrukning vid mekanisk massaframställning. Nordisk Papper & Massa, vol. 7: 6, ss. 20-22.

Svensson, B. , Rundlöf, M. & Höglund, H. (2006). Sliding Friction Between Wood and Steel in a Saturated Steam Environment. Journal of Pulp and Paper Science (JPPS), vol. 32: 1, ss. 38-43.

Nelsson, E. , Sandberg, C. , Svensson-Rundlöf, E. , Muhic, D. , Engberg, B. A. & Engstrand, P. (). Substantially improved energy efficiency in mechanical pulping by new feeding segment design and low dosage sulfonation in mill scale. ,


Svensson, B. (2007). Frictional studies and high strain rate testing of wood under refining conditions. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet, 2007 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 31)  


Liubytska, K. , Engberg, B. A. , Persson, J. & Lundberg, B. (2023). Elastic wave’s tail reconstruction in a split-Hopkinson bar. I Book of Abstracts Euromech Colloquium 634.

Forsström, S. , Forsberg, M. , O'Nils, M. , Sidén, J. , Österberg, P. & Engberg, B. A. (2023). Specialanpassade kurser för yrkesverksamma ingenjörer : Erfarenheter och upplevelser. I Bidrag från den 9:e utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar.. S. 348--353.  

Engberg, B. A. , Vuorio, P. , Granfeldt, T. , Ahlzén, P. , Lundfors, M. , Pettersson, G. & Höglund, H. (2022). Abrasive refining of spruce TMP and CTMP fibers. I Proceedings of the International Mechanical Pulping Conference.. S. 57--62.

Fallahjoybari, N. , Engberg, B. A. , Persson, J. & Berg, J. (2022). CFD Simulation Of Pulp Flow In Rotating And Non-Rotating Grooves. I Proceedings of the International Mechanical Pulping Conference.. S. 24-

Persson, J. , Fallahjoybari, N. , Engberg, B. A. & Granfeldt, T. (2022). Feeding of double disc refiners – rotor design evaluation. I Proceedings of the International Mechanical Pulping Conference.. S. 69-

Ferritsius, O. , Persson, J. , Ferritsius, R. , Rundlöf, M. & Engberg, B. A. (2022). Opportunities and challenges in describing the heterogeneity of fibres. I Proceedings of the International Mechanical Pulping Conference.. S. 28--33.

Ferritsius, R. , Moberg, A. , Hallgren, H. , Pettersson, G. , Rundlöf, M. , Engstrand, P. & Engberg, B. A. (2022). Water Absorption and Wet Strength in Hot-pressed Paper. I Proceedings of the International Mechanical Pulping Conference.. S. 168--170.

Engberg, B. A. & Fiskari, J. (2021). New Sustainable Method to Produce Pulp Fibres ‐ Deep Eutectic Solvent‐Assisted Mechanical Pulping. I Accelerating the progress towards the 2030 SDGs in times of crisis. Östersund : . S. 2131-

Persson, J. , Engberg, B. A. & Granfeldt, T. (2018). Feeding of double disc refiners - modeling of particle flow. I IMPC 2018. Trondheim, Norway :

Ferritsius, O. , Ferritsius, R. , Rundlöf, M. , Engberg, B. A. & Engstrand, P. (2018). The Independent State of Fibres in Relation to the Mechanical Pulping World. I IMPC 2018. Trondheim, Norway :

Nelsson, E. , Sandberg, C. , Svensson-Rundlöf, E. , Paulsson, M. , Granfeldt, T. , Engberg, B. & Engstrand, P. (2016). Mill scale production of TMP with double disk refining-The effects of a mild sulfonation, atmospheric preheating and refining temperatures. I International Mechanical Pulping Conference 2016, IMPC 2016.. S. 249--259.

Moilanen, C. , Biörkgvist, T. , Ovaska, M. , Koivisto, J. , Miksic, A. , Engberg, B. , Salminen, L. , Saarenrinne, P. & et al. (2016). Modelling and simulation of radial spruce compression to optimize energy efficiency in mechanical pulping. I International Mechanical Pulping Conference 2016, IMPC 2016.. S. 18--35.

Nelsson, E. , Sandberg, C. , Svensson-Rundlöf, E. , Muhic, D. , Rohdén, L. , A. Engberg, B. & Engstrand, P. (2014). Improved energy efficiency in thermomechanical pulping through co-optimixation of intensity by segment design and wood softening by sulfonation. I International mechanical pulping conference IMPC 2014.

Nelsson, E. , Sandberq, C. , Svensson-Rundlöf, E. , Muhic, D. , Rohden, L. , Engberg, B. A. & Engstrand, P. (2014). Improved energy efficiency in thermomechanical pulping through co-optimization of intensity by segment design and wood softening by sulfonation. I International Mechanical Pulping Conference, IMPC 2014, part of PulPaper 2014 Conference.

Berg, J. , Sandberg, C. , Engberg, B. & Engstrand, P. (2014). LC Refining Intensity In The Light Of Forces On Fibres. I International Mechanical Pulping Conference, IMPC 2014. Espoo :

Moilanen, C. , Engberg, B. A. , Björkqvist, T. , Salminen, L. & Saarenrinne, P. (2014). Local compression behaviour of pre-fatigured and chemically pre-treated wood at high strain rate and high temperature. Paper presented at the International Mechanical Pulping Conference, IMPC 2014; Helsinki; Finland; 2 June 2014 through 5 June 2014; Code 109275

Engberg, B. , Logenius, L. & Engstrand, P. (2014). Mechanical properties of sulphonated wood in relation to wing refiner properties. I International Mechanical Pulping Conference, IMPC 2014. Espoo :

Moilanen, C. S. , Saarenrinne, P. , Engberg, B. & Björkqvist, T. (2013). Image Based local strain measurement of wood. I Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series.  

Logenius, L. , Engberg, B. A. , Fjellström, H. & Engstrand, P. (2013). Mechanical Properties of Sulphonated Spruce Wood. Paper presented at the 8th Fundamental mechanical pulping research seminar

Logenius, L. , Engberg, B. A. , Nelsson, E. & Engstrand, P. (2013). Mechanical testing methods for evaluation of the mechanical properties of sulphonated wood. Paper presented at the The 17th International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry; Vancouver, Canada; 12-14 June 2013

Engberg, B. & Berg, J. (2011). A comparative study of models describing high consistency refining. I Proceedings of International Mechanical Pulping Conference.. S. 96--100.

Salmi, A. , Salminen, L. I. , Montonen, R. , Engberg, B. A. , Björkqvist, T. , Haeggström, E. & Lucander, M. (2011). Cyclic impacting of wood results in localized fatigue. I Proceedings of International Mechanical Pulping Conference 2011 (Xi'an, China 2011).

Salminen, L. , Salmi, A. , Engberg, B. A. , Björkqvist, T. , Haeggström, E. & Lucander, M. (2011). Cyclic loading and fatigue of wood. I Progress in Paper Physics Seminar2011 : Conference Proceedings.. S. 243--245.  

Engberg, B. A. , Salminen, L. I. , Salmi, A. & Björkqvist, T. (2009). On the importance of fatigue for the rheological properties of wood. I Proceedings - 2009 International Mechanical Pulping Conference, IMPC 2009.. S. 239--244.

Saari, V. , Björkqvist, T. & Engberg, B. A. (2009). Strain distribution in annual rings under compression by high speed photography. I Proceedings - 2009 International Mechanical Pulping Conference, IMPC 2009.. S. 245--251.

Svensson, B. A. , Holmgren, S. , Gradin, P. A. & Höglund, H. (2007). High Strain Rate Compression and Sliding Friction of Wood under Refining Conditions. I International Mechanical Pulping Conference 2007, TAPPI.. S. 983--994.

Svensson, B. , Rundlöf, M. & Höglund, H. (2005). Sliding friction between wood and steel in a saturated steam environment. I International Mechanical Pulping Conference: IMPC 2005 : Oslo, Norway, 7-9 June 2005.. S. 31--37.

Svensson, B. (2004). Tribology under refining conditions. I Proceedings of the 4th Fundamental Mechanical Pulp Seminar : June 7-8, 2004, Stocholm, Sweden.

Svensson, B. , Nyström, S. K. , Gradin, P. , Bergfors, E. & Höglund, H. (2003). Tribology under refining conditions : initial studies. I 2003 International Mechanical Pulping Conference.. S. 233--237.  


Svensson, B. , Holmgren, S. , Höglund, H. , Gradin, P. & Lundberg, B. High Strain Rate Compression of Spruce Wood in a Saturated Steam Environment.

Ferritsius, O. , Ferritsius, R. , Rundlöf, M. , Ferritsius, J. , Daniel, G. & Engberg, B. A. Heterogeneity of mechanical pulp particles - variations and correlations beyond averages.

Svensson, B. , Holmgren, S. , Höglund, H. , Gradin, P. & Lundberg, B. High Strain Rate Compression of Spruce Wood in a Saturated Steam Environment.


Engstrand, P. O. & Engberg, B. A. (2014). Filling the Gap - Final Report. Sundsvall : (Rapportserie FSCN 2014:57).  

Samlingsverk (redaktör)

Johansson, C. (ed.) , Nilsson, H. (ed.) , Öhman, P. (ed.) , Jonsson, B. (ed.) , Engberg, B. A. (ed.) , Englund, O. (ed.) , Simonsson, P. (ed.) & Axbrink, I. (ed.) (2022). Skogens värden : forskares reflektioner. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet  

Sidan uppdaterades 2024-09-13