Lars-Erik Rännar
- Tjänstetitel: Professor
- Ansvarsområde: Proprefekt, Forskningsledare - additiv tillverkning
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1428417
- E-postadress:
- Besöksadress: Akademigatan 1
- Rumsnummer: Q286a
- Ort: Östersund
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Maskinteknik
- Forskningscentra:
- Sports Tech Research Centre
Våren 2008 disputerade Lars-Erik på Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU), Trondheim, med avhandlingen ”On Optimization of Injection Molding Cooling” och sedan sommaren 2020 är han anställd vid Mittuniversitetet som professor i maskinteknik vid institutionen IMD, Campus Östersund.
Lars-Eriks forskning är inriktad mot additiv tillverkning och han har ca 20 års erfarenhet inom området. De första projekten var inriktade mot vad som på den tiden kallades för "rapid tooling" och syftet var att implementera additiv tillverkning i metall inom verktygsindustrin. Senare initierades projekt inom medicinområdet där tekniken användes för att tillverka plastmodeller, utifrån informationen i röntgenbilder, av exempelvis komplicerade frakturer. 2007 så köptes världens första A2-maskin (Arcam AB, Mölndal) och detta lade grunden för forskargruppen inom additiv tillverkning som Lars-Erik idag förestår.
Forskningen är inriktad mot additiv tillverkning med ett speciellt fokus mot "Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion" (PBF-EB). Historisk har gruppen arbetet inom flera olika områden såsom medicinska applikationer och sportteknologi men nu är utveckling av nya material för PBF-EB den största delen av forskningen. Förhoppningen är att nya typer av material som är tillverkade i PBF-EB kommer att ge upphov till unika produkter i framtiden, som hitintills inte har varit möjliga att tillverka. Lars-Erik och hans grupp är idag en av en handfull grupper i världen som är certifierade för att göra den här typen av utveckling.
Lars-Erik undervisar i maskintekniska ämnen med inriktning mot tillverkningsteknik, additiv tillverkning, 3D-modellering , digitalisering (Reverse Engineering) och datorstödd beräkning. Lars-Erik handleder och examinerar C- och D-uppsatser samt är kursansvarig för ett flertal kurser på grund- och avancerad nivå och är proprefekt på institutionen med ansvar för gruppen inom maskinteknik.
Lars-Erik är handledare för William Sjöström som forskar kring processutveckling för olika material tillverkade genom PBF-EB.
AMSUSS - Additiv tillverkning av super-duplexmaterial
Demonstration of additive manufacturing as a method for fabrication of 316L-Grade Components
FRAMGRAF- förbättrade egenskaper hos additivt tillverkade metaller genom tillsats av grafen
HAFS: Hållbarhet och additiv tillverkning – ett framtida styrkeområde
Innovativ komponentteknologi via pulverteknik
Pedagogisk utveckling för laborativa moment på distans (PULAB)
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Botero, C. , Sjöström, W. , Jimenez-Pique, E. , Koptyug, A. & Rännar, L. (2025). Small- to Large-Scale Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion of Functionally Graded Steels. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, vol. 9: 1
Sjöström, W. , Koptyug, A. , Rännar, L. & Botero, C. (2024). Near-infrared radiation : A promising heating method for powder bed fusion. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, vol. 39: 3, ss. 320-328.
Sjöström, W. , Rännar, L. , Botero, C. & Ortiz Membrado, L. (2024). Process developments in Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion enabled by Near-Infrared Radiation. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, vol. 8: 5
Roos, S. & Rännar, L. (2024). Surface roughness reduction in electron beam powder bed fusion additive manufacturing of super duplex stainless steel 2507 : investigating optimisation techniques and face orientation-dependent irregularities. Progress in Additive Manufacturing,
Roos, S. , Barbera Flichi, F. , Ortiz-Membrado, L. , Botero Vega, C. A. , Jiménez-Piqué, E. & Rännar, L. (2023). Assessing the viability of high-frequency spot melting for super duplex stainless steel 2507 via electron beam powder bed fusion. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 27, ss. 5720-5728.
Roos, S. , Botero, C. & Rännar, L. (2023). Electron beam powder bed fusion processing of 2507 super duplex stainless steel. as-built phase composition and microstructural properties. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 24, ss. 6473-6483.
Botero, C. , Koptyug, A. , Sjöström, W. , Jiménez-Piqué, E. , Şelte, A. & Rännar, L. (2023). Functionally Graded Steels Obtained via Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion. Key Engineering Materials, vol. 964, ss. 79-84.
Molavitabrizi, D. , Bengtsson, R. , Botero, C. , Rännar, L. & Mahmoud Mousavi, S. (2022). Damage-induced failure analysis of additively manufactured lattice materials under uniaxial and multiaxial tension. International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 252
Botero, C. A. , Şelte, A. , Ramsperger, M. , Maistro, G. , Koptyug, A. , Bäckström, M. , Sjöström, W. & Rännar, L. (2021). Microstructural and mechanical evaluation of a cr-mo-v cold-work tool steel produced via electron beam melting (Ebm). Materials, vol. 14: 11
Roos, S. & Rännar, L. (2021). Process Window for Electron Beam Melting of 316LN Stainless Steel. Metals, vol. 11: 137
Botero Vega, C. A. , Ramsperger, M. , Selte, A. , Åsvik, K. , Koptioug, A. , Skoglund, P. , Roos, S. , Rännar, L. & et al. (2020). Additive Manufacturing of a Cold-Work Tool Steel using Electron Beam Melting. Steel Research International, vol. 19: 5, ss. 1-6.
Koptioug, A. , Popov, V. V. J. , Botero Vega, C. A. , Jiménez-Piqué, E. , Katz-Demyanetz, A. , Rännar, L. & Bäckström, M. (2020). Compositionally-tailored steel-based materials manufactured by electron beam melting using blended pre-alloyed powders. Materials Science & Engineering, vol. 771
Mallipeddi, D. , Hajali, T. , Rännar, L. , Bergström, A. , Hernandez, S. , Strandh, E. , Nyborg, L. & Krajnik, P. (2020). Surface Integrity of Machined Electron Beam Melted Ti6Al4V Alloy Manufactured with Different Contour Settings and Heat Treatment. Procedia CIRP, vol. 87, ss. 327-332.
Roos, S. , Botero Vega, C. A. , Danvind, J. , Koptioug, A. & Rännar, L. (2019). Macro- and Micromechanical Behavior of 316LN Lattice Structures Manufactured by Electron Beam Melting. Journal of materials engineering and performance (Print), vol. 28: 12, ss. 7290-7301.
Olsén, J. , Shen, Z. , Liu, L. , Koptyug, A. & Rännar, L. (2018). Micro- and macro-structural heterogeneities in 316L stainless steel prepared by electron-beam melting. Materials Characterization, vol. 141, ss. 1-7.
Koptioug, A. , Rännar, L. , Bäckström, M. & Surmenev, R. (2017). Additive manufacturing in metal : technology advances generate new research challenges. Nanotechnology. Development and Applications - XXI Century, , ss. 12-24.
Zhong, Y. , Rännar, L. , Liu, L. , Koptyug, A. , Wikman, S. , Olsen, J. , Cui, D. & Shen, Z. (2017). Additive manufacturing of 316L stainless steel by electron beam melting for nuclear fusion applications. Journal of Nuclear Materials, vol. 486, ss. 234-245.
Zhong, Y. , Rännar, L. , Wikman, S. , Koptyug, A. , Liu, L. , Cui, D. & Shen, Z. (2017). Additive manufacturing of ITER first wall panel parts by two approaches : Selective laser melting and electron beam melting. Fusion engineering and design, vol. 116, ss. 24-33.
Surmeneva, M. A. , Surmenev, R. , Chudinova, E. A. , Koptioug, A. , Tkachev, M. S. , Gorodzha, S. N. & Rännar, L. (2017). Fabrication of multiple-layered gradient cellular metal scaffold via electron beam melting for segmental bone reconstruction. Materials & design, vol. 133, ss. 195-204.
Rännar, L. , Koptioug, A. , Olsén, J. , Saeidi, K. & Shen, Z. (2017). Hierarchical structures of stainless steel 316L manufactured by Electron Beam Melting. Additive Manufacturing, vol. 17, ss. 106-112.
Klingvall Ek, R. , Hong, J. , Thor, A. , Bäckström, M. & Rännar, L. (2017). Micro- to Macroroughness of Additively Manufactured Titanium Implants in Terms of Coagulation and Contact Activation. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, vol. 32: 3, ss. 565-574.
Thor, A. , Palmquist, A. , Hirsch, J. , Rännar, L. , Derand, P. & Omar, O. (2016). Clinical, Morphological, and Molecular Evaluations of Bone Regeneration With an Additive Manufactured Osteosynthesis Plate. The Journal of craniofacial surgery (Print), vol. 27: 7, ss. 1899-1904.
Koptyug, A. , Rännar, L. , Bäckström, M. & Shen, Z. (2016). New Metallurgy of Additive Manufacturing in Metal : Experiences from the Material and Process Development with Electron Beam Melting Technology (EBM). Materials Science Forum, vol. 879, ss. 996-1001.
Ek, R. , Rännar, L. , Bäckström, M. & Carlsson, P. (2016). The Effect of EBM Process Parameters upon Surface Roughness. Rapid prototyping journal, vol. 22: 3, ss. 495-503.
Huo, J. , Derand, P. , Rännar, L. , Hirsch, J. & Gamstedt, E. K. (2015). Failure location prediction by finite element analysis for an additive manufactured mandible implant. Medical Engineering & Physics, vol. 37: 9, ss. 862-869.
Cronskär, M. , Rännar, L. , Bäckström, M. , Nilsson, K. G. & Samuelsson, B. (2015). Patient-Specific Clavicle Reconstruction Using Digital Design and Additive Manufacturing. Journal of mechanical design (1990), vol. 137: 11
Koptyug, A. , Rännar, L. , Bäckström, M. & Cronskär, M. (2014). Additive Manufacturing for Medical and Biomedical Applications: Advances and Challenges. Materials Science Forum, , ss. 1286-1291.
Koptyug, A. , Bergemann, C. , Lange, R. , Jaggi, V. , Rännar, L. & Nebe, J. B. (2014). Osteoblast Ingrowth into Titanium Scaffolds made by Electron Beam Melting. Materials Science Forum, vol. 783-786, ss. 1292-1297.
Koptyug, A. , Rännar, L. , Bäckström, M. , Fager Franzén, S. & Dérand, P. (2013). Additive Manufacturing Technology Applications Targeting Practical Surgery. International Journal of Life Science and Medical Research, vol. 3: 1, ss. 15-24.
Cronskär, M. , Rännar, L. & Bäckström, M. (2013). Production of Customized Hip Stem Prostheses : a Comparison Between Machining and Additive Manufacturing. Rapid prototyping journal, vol. 19: 5, ss. 365-372.
Dérand, P. , Rännar, L. & Hirsch, J. (2012). Imaging, virtual planning, design and production of patient specific implants and clinical validation in cranio-maxillo-facial surgery. Cranial maxillofacial Trauma and Reconstruction, vol. 5: 3, ss. 137-144.
Cronskär, M. , Rännar, L. & Bäckström, M. (2012). Implementation of digital design and solid free-form fabrication for customization of implants in trauma orthopaedics. Journal of medical and biological engineering, vol. 32: 2, ss. 91-96.
Koptyug, A. , Bäckström, M. & Rännar, L. (2012). Tin Man- Making Spare Parts for Human Body. Science First Hand, vol. 44: 2, ss. 45-57.
Rännar, L. , Glad, A. & Gustafson, C. (2007). Efficient cooling with tool inserts manufactured by electron beam melting. Rapid prototyping journal, vol. 13: 3, ss. 128-135.
Klingvall Ek, R. , Bäckström, M. & Rännar, L. (). Fatigue properties of electrochemical polished and hot isostatic pressed Ti6A14V manufactured by electron beam melting. ,
Klingvall Ek, R. , Bäckström, M. & Rännar, L. (). Influence of the surface topography of additive manufactured Ti6A14V on fatigue and calculations of the stress concentration factor. ,
Rännar, L. (2008). On Optimization of Injection Molding Cooling. Diss. (Sammanläggning) Trondheim : , 2008 (Doctoral thesis at NTNU : 2008:113)
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Hirsch, J. , Palmquist, A. , Rännar, L. & Thieringer, F. M. (2020). Additive manufacturing and 3D printing. I Lasers in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Springer. S. 227-237.
Ainegren, M. , Rännar, L. , Carlsson, P. & Tinnsten, M. (2013). The multifunctional roller ski. I Science and Nordic Skiing II. University of Salzburg, University of Jyväskylä. S. 253-261.
Bäckström, M. , Kuzmin, L. , Rännar, L. & Wiklund, H. (2009). Critical Factors Influencing Loss of Time after Shooting - A Case Study Performed During the 2008 IBU Biathlon World Championships. I The Impact of Technology on Sport III.. S. 33-37.
Botero, C. , Sjöström, W. , Jimenez-Piqué, E. , Şelte, A. & Rännar, L. (2023). PBF-EB For Manufacturing Of 3D Metal-Metal Multi Material Assemblies. I Euro Powder Metallurgy 2023 Congress and Exhibition, PM 2023.
Sjöström, W. , Botero, C. , Jimenez-Pique, E. , Selte, A. & Rännar, L. (2023). Steel-based multi-material configurations by PBF-EB. Paper presented at the Alloys for Additive Manufacturing Symposium, Madrid, Spain, September 27th-29th, 2023
Hosseini, S. B. , Mallipeddi, D. , Holmberg, J. , Rännar, L. , Koptyug, A. , Sjöström, W. , Krajnik, P. & Klement, U. (2022). Comparison of machining performance of stainless steel 316L produced by selective laser melting and electron beam melting. I Procedia CIRP.. S. 72--77.
Quiceno, E. , Botero Vega, C. A. , Rännar, L. , Castano, J. , Gomez, M. , Baena, L. , Vargas, C. , Bedoya, N. & et al. (2022). Customized Ti6Al4V implants by EBM : design, manufacturing and surface treatments. I Proceedings.. S. 381--388.
Ramsberger, M. , Botero Vega, C. A. , Rännar, L. & Selte, A. (2022). Electron Beam-based Additive Manufacturing of highly alloyed cold work tool steels and tungsten carbide Metal Matrix Composites : from research to industrialization. I Proceedings.
Sjöström, W. , Botero Vega, C. A. , Rännar, L. & Sundström, L. (2022). Local microstructural tailoring of the Z-direction in Electron Beam Melting. Paper presented at the Swedish arena for additive manufacturing of metals, Åre, Sweden, January 13-14, 2022.
Koptyug, A. , Botero Vega, C. A. , Sjöström, W. , Bäckström, M. , Rännar, L. & Tremsin, A. (2021). Electron Beam Melting: from Shape Freedom to Materials Properties Control at Macro- and Microscale. I Proceedings of the THERMEC 2020, Graz, Austria.. S. 755--759.
Botero, C. , Bäckström, M. , Rännar, L. , Roos, S. , Koptyug, A. , Åsvik, K. , Şelte, A. & Ramsperger, M. (2019). Additive Manufacturing of a cold work steel using Electron Beam Melting. I Proceedings of Conference: Tooling 2019.
Koptyug, A. , Botero, C. , Sjöström, W. , Jimenez-Pique, E. , Şelte, A. , Asvik, K. , Rännar, L. & Bäckström, M. (2019). Steel-based functionally gradient materials obtained via Electron Beam Melting. I Proc. Alloys for Additive Manufacturing Symposium AAMS2019.
Rännar, L. , Botero, C. , Sjöström, W. , Melin, P. , Strandh, E. , Ledford, C. & Harrysson, O. (2019). Surface topography development of Electron beam-melted materials - a historical review. I Proceedings Euromat 2019. Stockholm :
Botero, C. A. , Koptyug, A. , Jiménez-Piqué, E. & Rännar, L. (2018). Microstructure and nanomechanical behavior of modified 316L-based materials fabricated using EBM. Paper presented at the 2:nd International Conference on Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing, Nuremberg, Germany, April 11, 2018
Botero Vega, C. A. , Jiménez-Piqué, E. , Roos, S. , Skoglund, P. , Koptioug, A. , Rännar, L. & Bäckström, M. (2018). Nanoindentation: a suitable tool in metal Additive Manufacturing. Paper presented at the Materials Science & Technology, MS&T 2018, October 14-18, Columbus, USA
Skoglund, P. , Botero Vega, C. A. , Koptioug, A. , Rännar, L. & Bäckström, M. (2018). Possibility of the “cold start” of the build in Electron Beam Melting. Paper presented at the Materials Science & Technology, MS&T 2018, October 14-18, Columbus, USA
Olsén, J. , Koptioug, A. , Rännar, L. , Saedi, K. & Shen, Z. J. (2018). The Heterogenic Structure Formed During Electron Beam Melting of 316L Stainless Steel. Paper presented at the International Conference on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials, (PowderMet), San Antonio, USA, June 17-20, 2018
Koptioug, A. , Rännar, L. , Botero Vega, C. A. , Bäckström, M. & Popov, V. (2018). Unique material compositions obtained by Electron beam melting of blended powders. I Euro PM2018 Proceedings.
Koptioug, A. , Bäckström, M. & Rännar, L. (2017). 3D-printing: a future “magic wand” for global manufacturing. How can we benefit from it today for sports and health care?. I Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support, icSPORTS.
Mellin, P. , Magnusson, H. , Harlin, P. , Wikman, S. , Olsén, J. , Shen, Z. J. , Rännar, L. , Ålgårdh, J. & et al. (2017). Bonding EBM-built blocks of 316L steel, using hot isostatic pressing. I Proceedings Euro PM 2017 : International Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition.
Roos, S. , Rännar, L. , Koptioug, A. & Danvind, J. (2017). Characterization of 316ln lattice structures fabricated via electron beam melting. I Materials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition 2017, MS and T 2017.. S. 336--343.
Klingvall Ek, R. , Bäckström, M. & Rännar, L. (2017). Fatigue properties of Ti-6Al-4V manufactured using electron beam melting. I Proceedings Euro PM 2017: International Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition 2017. Brussels :
Koptyug, A. , Rännar, L. & Bäckström, M. (2017). New Materials for Additive Manufacturing in Metal: Back to Basics?. Paper presented at the Frontiers in Materials Processing Applications, Research and Technology, FiMPART-2017, Bordeaux, France, July 9-12, 2017
Hirsch, J. , Dérand, P. , Gamstedt, K. , Huo, J. , Omar, O. , Palmquist, A. , Thor, A. , Nysjö, F. & et al. (2016). 3D printed titanium implants i Maxillofacial surgery. Paper presented at the 12th International Bernd-Spiessl Symposium, Basel, June 16-18, 2016
Leicht, A. , Vattur Sundaram, M. , Yao, Y. , Hryha, E. , Nyborg, L. , Rännar, L. , Koptyug, A. , Frisk, K. & et al. (2016). As-HIP Microstructure of EBM Fabricated Shell Components. I Proceedings of Wolrd PM2016 - AM - Properties of Lightweight Materials ll.
Frisk, K. , Rännar, L. , Koptyug, A. , Petterson, N. , Persson, D. , Leicht, A. , Vattur Sundaram, M. , Hryha, E. & et al. (2016). Characterisation Of EBM-built Shelled Samples of Ti6Al4V Compacted by HIP. Paper presented at the World Powder Metallurgy Congress, Hamburg, Germany, October 9-13, 2016
Leicht, A. , Shvab, R. , Hryha, E. , Nyborg, L. & Rännar, L. (2016). Characterization of virgin and recycled 316L powder used in additive manufacturing. Paper presented at the 7th International Swedish Production Symposium, Lund, 25th - 27th of October, 2016
Cronskär, M. , Rännar, L. , Hamberg, Å. , Samuelsson, B. & Nilsson, K. G. (2016). Custom design and additive manufacturingof orthopedic implants and medical models in titanium and plastics. Paper presented at the Bernd-Spiessel Symposium, Basel, Switzerland, June 16-18, 2016
Cronskär, M. , Legrell, P. , Tidehag, P. & Rännar, L. (2016). Dental Implant Manufacturing using Electron Beam Melting – Geometry Deviation from Intraoral Scanning and from Cone Beam Computed Tomography. I EBAM 2016 : 1st International Conference on Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing.
Cronskär, M. , Legrell, P. , Tidehag, P. & Rännar, L. (2016). Dental Implant Manufacturing using Electron Beam Melting – Geometry Deviation from Intraoral Scanning and from Cone Beam Computed Tomography. Paper presented at the Odontologisk riksstämma, Älvsjö, Sweden, 16-18 November, 2016
Rännar, L. , Koptyug, A. , Bäckström, M. & Jönsson, A. (2016). Water jet polishing of materials manufactured with electron beam melting technology. Paper presented at the World Powder Metallurgy Congress, Hamburg, Germany, 9-13 October, 2016
Wikman, S. , Shen, Z. , Rännar, L. , Obitz, C. & Öijerholm, J. (2015). Assessment of additive manufacturing of 316L(N)-IG for In-Vessel components and performance of CuCrZr at coolant water interfaces. Paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-17), Aachen, Germany, 12-16 October, 2015.
Skoglund, P. & Rännar, L. (2014). A survey on implementation of additive manufacturing to the manufacturing process of orthopedic and orthotic appliances. Paper presented at the 5:th International Conference on Additive Technologies, Vienna, Austria, October 16-17 2014
Rännar, L. & Hamberg, Å. (2014). Design and manufacture of a titanium tibial reinforcement cage using electron beam melting. Paper presented at the 5:th International Conference on Additive Technologies, Vienna, Austria, 15. - 17. October 2014
Huo, J. , Hirsch, J. , Dérand, P. , Rännar, L. & Gamstedt, K. (2014). Finite element investigation of the in-vivo failure of a titanium alloy human jaw implant. Paper presented at the International Bernd-Spiessl-Symposium 2014 for Innovative and Visionary Technologies in Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Basel, Switzerland, June 19-21 2014
Koptyug, A. , Rännar, L. & Bäckström, M. (2014). Multiscale surface structuring of the biomedical implants manufactured in Electron Beam Melting technology : Demands, advances and challenges. I Proceedings of the 5:th International Conference in Additive Technologies.. S. 37--42.
Koptyug, A. , Rännar, L. , Bäckström, M. & Langlet, r. (2013). Bulk Metallic Glass Manufacturing Using Electron Beam Melting. I Proceedings from Additive Manufacturing & 3D Printing, Nottingham, UK, July 2013. Nottingham, UK :
Wikman, S. , Cui, D. , Shen, J. , Bin, Q. & Rännar, L. (2013). ON 3D ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING ITER COMPONENTS. Paper presented at the 16th International Conference On Fusion Reactor Materials; 20-26 October, 2013; Beijing, China
Bäckström, M. , Tinnsten, M. , Koptyug, A. , Rännar, L. , Carlsson, P. , Danvind, J. & Wiklund, H. (2013). Sports Technology Education at Mid Sweden University. I 6TH ASIA-PACIFIC CONGRESS ON SPORTS TECHNOLOGY (APCST). (Procedia Engineering). S. 214--219.
Hirsch, J. , Carlbom, I. , Dérand, P. , Nysjö, F. , Nyström, I. , Olsson, P. & Rännar, L. (2013). Virtual planning, additive manufacturing of biomaterials and real time reconstructive maxillofacial surgery. Paper presented at the 27:th International College for Maxillo-Facial-Surgery (ICMFS), Bad Hofgastein, Austria, March 4-9, 2013
Koptyug, A. , Rännar, L. , Backstrom, M. & Klingvall, R. (2012). Electron Beam Melting : Moving from Macro- to Micro- and Nanoscale. I Materials Science Forum. Switzerland : (Materials Science Forum). S. 532--537.
Ainegren, M. , Rännar, L. , Carlsson, P. & Tinnsten, M. (2012). The multi functional roller ski. Paper presented at the ICSNS 2012, 2nd International Congress on Science and Nordic Skiing, May 28th - 31st, Vuokatti, Finland
Hirsch, J. , Rännar, L. & Gamstedt, K. (2012). Virtual planning of reconstructions, production of individualized implants and transfer of the plan to the operating room in CMF surgery. Paper presented at the 26th Congress of the International College for Maxillo-Facial Surgery (ICMFS, Canary Islands, Spain
Bäckström, M. , Rännar, L. & Kuzmin, L. (2011). Influencing factors on time-loss after shooting in Biathlon. I Moderns systems for application in Biathlon. Omck : . S. 154--159.
Petrovic, V. , Jordá, O. , Martin, A. , Rännar, L. R. & Dejanovic, S. (2011). Knowledge assisted Rapid Manufacturing, KARMA Project. Paper presented at the European Forum on Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing (AEPR’11), Paris, France
Bäckström, M. , Dahlén, L. , Ebrahimzadeh, R. & Rännar, L. (2009). Taylor Made Titanium Insoles in Alpine Ski Boots. I Asia-Pasific Congress on Sports Technology.
Cronskär, M. , Rännar, L. , Bäckström, M. & Koptioug, A. (2008). Application of electron beam melting to titanium hip stem Implants. Paper presented at the International Conference on Additive Technologies
Israelsson, B. & Rännar, L. (2004). CAE and Rapid Prototyping Integrated in Product Marketing : A Novel Method for the Plastic Manufacturing Industry in the County of Jämtland. I Moldex3D European User’s Meeting, Billund, Denmark, September 2004..
Rännar, L. (2003). Efficient Cooling of FFF Injection Molding Tools with Conformal Cooling Channels, : An Introductory Analysis. I Advanced research in virtual and rapid prototyping : proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, Leiria, Portugal, 1 - 4 October, 2003. Leiria : . S. 433--437.
Holmberg, J. & Rännar, L. (2001). VerOpt - MATLAB Driven Versatile Optimization. I Program and proceedings for the Nordic MATLAB Conference Oslo, October 17-18, 2001. Trondheim : . S. 207--212.
Cronskär, M. , Rännar, L. , Bäckström, M. , Nilsson, K. & Samuelsson, B. Patient-specific bone plates for clavicle fractures : Design, manufacturing and strength analysis.