Heléne Lundberg
- Tjänstetitel: Professor
- Akademisk titel: Professor
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1428571
- E-postadress: helene.lundberg@miun.se
- Besöksadress: Holmgatan 10, Sundsvall
- Rumsnummer: L306
- Ort: Sundsvall
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Företagsekonomi
- Forskningscentra:
- Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationer, CER
Civilekonom - Handelshögskolan i Stockholm
Disputerad - Uppsala Universitet
Docent - Uppsala Universitet
Professor - Mittuniversitetet
Marknadsföring med inriktning business-to-business, främst kopplat till internationellt företagande (små och medelstora företag, inklusive familjeföretag) och regional utveckling genom företagssamverkan.
För närvarande fokus på platsers attraktivitet i förhållande till regional utveckling och företags rekryteringsmöjligheter. Studier bedrivs i samarbete med flera kommuner i Västernorrland.
Huvudsakligen marknadsföring med inriktning business-to-business på C- och D-nivå samt uppsatshandledning och uppsatsbedömning C- och D-nivå.
Från nuläge till nyläge: Attraktivitet som bas för regional utveckling i Härnösands kommun
Från nuläge till nyläge: Attraktivitet som bas för regional utveckling i Sollefteå kommun
Från nuläge till nyläge: Attraktivitet som bas för regional utveckling i Ånge kommun
Från nuläge till nyläge: Stadsvisionen som utgångspunkt för attraktivitet i Sundsvalls kommun
Affärsmodell för hållbart boende för äldre
Boende, integration och arbete
Business and Innovation Development for Enterprises (BID4E)
Faktorer som formar platsers attraktivitet
Fastighetsutveckling i småstadskontext
Hållbart Samhällsbyggande: Från mellersta Norrland till Europas glesa bygder (HåSa)
Samhällelig tillväxt inom innovation för förnybar energi och lagring
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Samlingsverk (redaktör)
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Hilmersson, M. , Johanson, M. , Papaioannou, S. & Lundberg, H. (2022). Business unpredictability, improvisation and business network commitment in small and medium-sized enterprise market entry. International Small Business Journal, vol. 40: 8, ss. 991-1018.
Öberg, C. & Lundberg, H. (2022). Mechanisms of knowledge development in a knowledge ecosystem. Journal of Knowledge Management, vol. 26: 11, ss. 293-307.
Hilmersson, M. , Johanson, M. , Lundberg, H. & Papaioannou, S. (2021). Opportunity novelty, improvisation and network adaptation in the internationalization of Swedish SMEs. Thunderbird International Business Review, vol. 63: 2, ss. 201-215.
Hilmersson, M. , Johanson, M. , Lundberg, H. & Papaioannou, S. (2021). Serendipitous opportunities, entry strategy and knowledge in firms' foreign market entry. International Marketing Review, vol. 38: 3, ss. 585-612.
Lundberg, H. & Öberg, C. (2021). Teachers, researchers, but not innovators? : Rethinking university-industry collaboration. Journal of business & industrial marketing, vol. 36: 13, ss. 161-173.
Lundberg, H. & Öberg, C. (2021). The matter of locality : family firms in sparsely populated regions. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, vol. 33: 7-8, ss. 493-513.
Johanson, M. , Kao, P. T. & Lundberg, H. (2020). Knowledge grafting during internationalization : utilizing localized professionals in the foreign market. Journal of Knowledge Management, vol. 24: 9, ss. 2009-2033.
Lundberg, H. (2019). Bank relationships’ contributions to SME export performance. International Journal of Bank Marketing, vol. 37: 5, ss. 1143-1164.
Gebert-Persson, S. , Gidhagen, M. , Sallis, J. E. & Lundberg, H. (2019). Online insurance claims : when more than trust matters. International Journal of Bank Marketing, vol. 37: 2, ss. 579-594.
Lundberg, H. & Rehnfors, A. (2019). The immigrant effect from employer and employee perspectives in a Swedish context. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, vol. 36: 1-2, ss. 126-147.
Lundberg, H. & Rehnfors, A. (2018). Transnational entrepreneurship : opportunity identification and venture creation. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, vol. 16: 2, ss. 150-175.
Hilmersson, M. , Johanson, M. , Lundberg, H. & Papaioannou, S. (2017). Time, Temporality, and Internationalization : The Relationships among Point in Time, Time to, and Speed of International Expansion. Journal of International Marketing, vol. 25: 1, ss. 22-45.
Lundberg, H. , Andresen, E. & Tornroos, J. (2016). Understanding network emergence after turbulent industrial relocation : A Swedish biorefinery initiative. European Management Journal, vol. 34: 5, ss. 475-483.
Emmoth, A. , Gebert-Persson, S. & Lundberg, H. (2015). Interpartner Legitimacy Effects on Cluster Initiative Formation and Development Processes. European Planning Studies, vol. 23: 5, ss. 892-908.
Gebert-Persson, S. , Lundberg, H. & Elbe, J. (2014). On the discursive contest of an international M&A relationship development process within financial services. International Business Review, vol. 23: 6, ss. 1064-1073.
Andresen, E. , Lundberg, H. & Wincent, J. (2014). Processes in collaborative entrepreneurship : a longitudinal case study of how multiple actors exploit a radically new opportunity. The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, vol. 10: 4, ss. 713-726.
Lundberg, H. , Öhman, P. & Sjodin, U. (2014). Transaction convenience in the payment stage : the retailers' perspective. MANAGING SERVICE QUALITY, vol. 24: 5, ss. 434-454.
Lundberg, H. (2013). Triple Helix in practice: the key role of boundary spanners. European Journal of Innovation Management, vol. 16: 2, ss. 211-226.
Lundberg, H. & Andresen, E. (2012). Cooperation among companies, universities and local government in a Swedish context. Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 41: 3, ss. 429-437.
Andrésen, E. , Lundberg, H. & Roxenhall, T. (2012). Designing for commitment in regional strategic networks. Management Research Review, vol. 35: 6, ss. 531-552.
Gebert Persson, S. , Lundberg, H. & Andresen, E. (2011). Interpartner legitimacy in Regional Strategic Networks. Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 40: 6, ss. 1024-1031.
Lundberg, H. (2010). Strategic networks for increased regional competitiveness : Two Swedish cases. Competitiveness Review, vol. 20: 2, ss. 152-165.
Johanson, M. & Lundberg, H. (2011). Network strategies for regional growth. New York : Palgrave Macmillan
Lundberg, H. (2008). Geographical Proximity Effects and Regional Strategic Networks. Diss. Uppsala : Universitetstryckeriet, 2008 (Doctoral thesis / Företagsekonomiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet, : 135)
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Lundberg, H. & Öberg, C. (2021). Digital University-SME Interaction for Business Development. I Impact of Globalization and Advanced Technologies on Online Business Models. Hershey, PA, USA : IGI Global. S. 55-71.
Johanson, M. & Lundberg, H. (2016). Why expatriates’ private relations matter. I Extending the Business Network Approach: New Territories, New Technologies, New Terms. Palgrave Macmillan. S. 99-120.
Hilmersson, M. , Johanson, M. , Lundberg, H. , Papaioannou, S. & Thyr, A. (2015). Business networks, firm strategy, opportunity development and strategic outcomes : A conceptualization of the initial phase of firm internationalization. I Handbook on International Alliance and Network Research. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing. S. 171-194.
Lundberg, H. (2015). Rundabordssamtal. I Trovärdighet och förtroende i ekonomiska relationer. Stockholm : Studentlitteratur AB. S. 221-238.
Lundberg, H. (2011). Challenges, Complexities and Advantages of Regional Strategic Networks. I Network Strategies for Regional Growth. Eastbourne : Palgrave Macmillan. S. 229-238.
Andrésen, E. , Roxenhall, T. & Lundberg, H. (2011). Competence Development for Process Leaders in Networks. I Minor Communities and Natural and Cultural Heritage: an Asset or a Liability?. Milano : McGraw-Hill (COST Action C27 Sustainable Development Policies for Minor Deprived Urban Communities).
Lundberg, H. & Johanson, M. (2011). Network Strategies for Regional Growth. I Network Strategies for Regional Growth. Eastbourne : Palgrave Macmillan. S. 1-21.
Lundberg, H. (2009). Kunskaps- och kompetensutveckling i regionala strategiska nätverk. I Regionala strategiska nätverk i praktiken. Lund : Studentlitteratur. S. 141-157.
Lundberg, H. (2009). Utvärderingsproblematik vid bedömningar av regionala strategiska nätverk. I Regionala strategiska nätverk i praktiken. Lund : Studentlitteratur. S. 161-178.
Lundberg, H. , Hallén, L. & Johanson, M. (2008). Nätverksinitiativ - en ifrågasatt väg till affärsutveckling. I Marknadsorientering : Myter och möjligheter. Malmö : Liber. S. 291-308.
Lundberg, H. & Öberg, C. (2019). Are we getting any closer to innovations? , : University-based knowledge infusion to regional strategic networks. I Proceedings.
Lundberg, H. (2019). Family firms : How social and business networks influence the choice of board members. I Proceedings.
Fernando da Costa Oliveira, L. , Johanson, M. , Lundberg, H. & Papaioannou, S. (2019). Successful and failed market entries : Experiential learning and market decision logics. I Proceedings.
Lundberg, H. , Johanson, M. , Papaiouannou, S. & da Costa Oliveira, L. F. (2018). Learning from internationalization success and failure. Paper presented at the IMP Asia, Sri Lanka,December 2-5, 2018
Lundberg, H. (2018). SME internationalization and bank relationships. Paper presented at the IMP Conference, Marseille, France, September 4-7, 2018
Lundberg, H. , Johanson, M. , Hilmersson, M. & Papaiouannou, S. (2018). Unpredictability and market entry performance : The mediating effects of improvisation and business network commitment. Paper presented at the The AMA global SIG conference, Santorini, Greece, May 21-23, 2018
Andresen, E. , Lundberg, H. & Öhman, P. (2016). Coopetition in a public/private context : A study of drivers, dynamics and outcomes in value-creation. Paper presented at the 32nd annual IMP conference, Poznan, Polen, 30 augusti-3 september, 2016
Andresen, E. & Lundberg, H. (2016). Networked co-opetitive business model innovation. I Proceedings.
Hilmersson, M. , Johanson, M. , Lundberg, H. & Papaioannou, S. (2015). International opportunity experience, opportunity scouting and international opportunity innovativeness. Paper presented at the The 19th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, London, 27-29 August, 2015
Sjödin, U. & Lundberg, H. (2015). Real customer focus in banks and other financial institutions : – “maximum customer focus” instead of “maximum profit”?. I Conference on european integration. swedish network for european studies in economics and business (SNEE).
Lundberg, H. , Andresen, E. & Gebert Persson, S. (2015). Resources and capabilities in intra and inter-organizational processes. I Proceedings.
Hilmersson, M. , Johanson, M. , Lundberg, H. & Papaioannou, S. (2015). Take-off Time, Take-off Strategies and Speed of international Expansion. Paper presented at the 41st EIBA Annual Conference, Rio Janeiro, 1-3 December.
Lundberg, H. & Johanson, M. (2014). A conceptual model of turbulence in the internationalisation of SMEs in a European context. I Proceedings.
Lundberg, H. & Gebert Persson, S. (2014). A revival of the interorganizational perspective. I Proceedings.
Andresen, E. , Lundberg, H. , Medlin, .. & Törnroos, J. (2014). Actor and collective interests in emergent business creation : Two biofuel cases. I Proceedings.
Johanson, M. , Lundberg, H. , Papaioannou, S. & Vasileiadi, D. (2014). Failure and success in the internationalization of SME's. Paper presented at the EIBA 40th Annual Conference, Uppsala, 11-13 December, 2014
Andresen, E. & Lundberg, H. (2014). Mobilizing private/public actors for intertwined business/societal reasons. I Proceedings.
Gebert Persson, S. & Lundberg, H. (2014). The use or non-use of an online insurance service. I Proceedings.
Johanson, M. , Lundberg, H. , Papaioannou, S. & Thyr, A. (2013). Strategy and SME internationalisation: Network, turbulence and foreign market opportunity development.. Paper presented at the RENT XXVII, Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business, ISM University of Management and Economics, Vilnius, Lithuania, November 20-22, 2013.
Sjödin, U. , Lundberg, H. & Öhman, P. (2013). Towards a cash free society in Europe : Retailers’ perspective on cash and cards as payments means. Paper presented at the Forskningskonferensen Europeisk integration i svensk ekonomisk forskning, 21-24 Maj 2013, Mölle, Sweden.
Johanson, M. , Lundberg, H. & Thyr, A. (2013). Why social networks of expatriates matter: A qualitative study from Russia.. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Extending the Business Network Approach, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, June 13-14, 2013.
Gebert Persson, S. & Lundberg, H. (2012). Going digital or not in insurance relationships?. Paper presented at the 28th Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Conference; Goa, India; 9-12 Dec 2012
Emmoth, A. , Gebert Persson, S. & Lundberg, H. (2012). Interpartner legitimacy in a regional strategic network in tourism. Paper presented at the 28th Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Conference, 11-15 september 2012, Rome Italy
Andresen, E. , Gebert Persson, S. & Lundberg, H. (2012). Intra-organizational tensions as drivers for external relationship and network formations. Paper presented at the 28th Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Conference; Goa, India; 9-12 Dec 2012
Lundberg, H. , Gebert Persson, S. & Andresen, E. (2011). Taking charge : To improve the intraorganizational position by means of a regionalstrategic network among competitors. Paper presented at the 27th Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Conference
Lundberg, H. , Andersen, E. & Roxenhall, T. (2009). Commitment in regional strategic networks. Paper presented at the Anzmac 2009
Lundberg, H. & Andresen, E. (2009). Cooperation among Companies, Universities and Local Government : the Case of the Biorefinery of the Future. Paper presented at the IMP Asia 2009
Lundberg, H. & Andresen, E. (2009). The process of collective entrepreneurial action. Paper presented at the International Marketing and Purchasing, Marseilles 2009
Lundberg, H. (2008). Regional strategic networks - initial conditions, activities, outcomes. Paper presented at the IMP Uppsala 2008
Roxenhall, T. , Andrésen, E. & Lundberg, H. (2007). Experiences from two Swedish Policy-Implanted Strategic Networks : Performances, Activities and the Impact of Structural Factors. I ANZMAC 2007.
Andrésen, E. , Lundberg, H. & Roxenhall, T. (2007). Managerial challanges in regional development initiatives - a road to commitment : IMP Asia 2007.
Andrésen, E. & Lundberg, H. (2007). Networking in engineered and emergent Processes. I Proceedings of ANZMAC 2007. Dunedin, New Zeeland :
Lundberg, H. , Andrésen, E. & Boter, H. (2007). Policy-implanted strategic networks: : a potential arena for opportunity recognition and opportunity exploitation.
Lundberg, H. , Andrésen, E. & Boter, H. (2007). Recognizing and Exploiting Opportunities in Policy-Implanted Networks. I ANZMAC Conference 3-5 December 2007 University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Andrésen, E. & Lundberg, H. (2007). Regional development and networking: top-down or bottom-up. I Proceedings of the 23nd IMP Conference, 30.8.-1.9., 2007, Manchester (CD-ROM).
Johanson, M. & Lundberg, H. (2006). The impact of geographical proximity and technology on firms´ R&D-operations. I IMP Milano, 2006.
Lundberg, H. (2005). Can regional strategic networks provide cluster advantages?. I IMP Köpenhamn, 2005.
Lundberg, H. (2005). Vad skiljer framgång från misslyckande i samverkansprojekt? : HSS 2005.
Hallén, L. & Lundberg, H. (2004). New horizons and positions: structural effects of strategic networks. I The 20th Annual IMP conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Lundberg, H. (2002). Learning and knowledge development in strategic networks - a conceptual approach. I Proceedings. 18th IMP Asia conference 2002. Perth, Australia.
Lundberg, H. (2019). Bankrelationers bidrag till små och medelstora företags exportandel. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Rapport / CER - Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationer 5).
Lundberg, H. & Rehnfors, A. (2019). Effekter av att anställa immigranter ur arbetsgivares och anställdas perspektiv i en svensk kontext. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Rapport / CER - Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationer 3).
Lundberg, H. & Rehnfors, A. (2018). Transnationellt entreprenörskap : identifierade möjligheter och resulterande affärsverksamheter. Mid Sweden University (Rapport / CER - Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationer 2018:2).
Andresen, E. , Lundberg, H. & Roxenhall, T. (2014). Design för engagemang i regionala strategiska nätverk. Sundsvall : (Rapport / CER - Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationer 3).
Gebert Persson, S. , Lundberg, H. & Elbe, J. (2014). Diskursiv konkurrens i internationella relationsutvecklingsprocesser. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Rapport / CER - Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationer 6).
Lundberg, H. , Öhman, P. & Sjödin, U. (2014). Transaktionsbekvämlighet i betalningsskedet – handlarnas perspektiv. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Rapport / CER - Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationer 2014:7).
Gebert Persson, S. , Lundberg, H. & Andresen, E. (2012). Ömsesidig legitimitet i regionala strategiska nätverk. Östersund : Mittuniversitetet (Rapport / CER - Centrum för forskning om ekonomiska relationer 2012:3).
Samlingsverk (redaktör)
Öhman, P. (ed.) & Lundberg, H. (ed.) (2015). Trovärdighet och förtroende i ekonomiska relationer. Lund : Studentlitteratur