Scientific teams, forum and projects

At Mid Sweden University is a range of research in a variety of topics.

Advanced materials and processes

Within the research group advanced materials and processes, we work with additive manufacturing, large-scale processes for applications with graphene and supercapacitors.


ALBi is a research group interested in different aspects of language and bilingualism in relation to emotions and social contexts.


The AMIR research group focuses on improving methods for identifying symptoms of mental illness, primarily among refugees.

Analytical chemistry

Analytical chemistry is an area of ​​chemistry that mainly deals with methods for separating, identifying and quantifying a sample's various components.

Autonomous sensor systems

The research group within Autonomous sensor systems develop technologies in the areas of energy harvesting and embedded sensors targeting autonomous sensor systems with a focus on industrial...


The Bioenergy gasification research group are focused on synthesis gas (“syngas”) production from biomass for automotive fuel production. The research is directed to the thermo-chemical conversion ...

Chemical Pulping

Our research group combines chemical engineering, fiber technology and environmental science to convert wood into fibers, chemicals, and other products. Our research projects cover kraft and sulfit...

Communication Systems and Networks

The Communication Systems and Networks group focuses on shaping the future of communication systems and networks, particularly in the wireless domain.

Detector and Photonics

Develops detectors; thermal detector for CO2 based indoor climate control, electron detectors and detectors for Thermal Neutrons. Within photonics the main focus is on the development of new optica...


The main research interests of the Eco-chemistry group are biocatalysis, bioremediation, synthesis, extraction and analysis of natural products.

Embedded IoT systems

The research group target embedded implementation of IoT-nodes, with a focus on data intensive applications and with a holistic view of the IoT computational stack.

EPG - The Environmental Physiology Group

We investigate how the human physiology reacts to unique environments and situations.  Through a combination of practical field observation and controlled conditions study, we are better...

Fibre mechanics

We aim to form a new scientifically attractive research program on processing of pulp fibres. Our aim is to develop new R&D methods in order to acquire new knowledge about the fibre-level mechanism...

Forum for digitalization

Our ambition is to contribute to a better world. Based on our research expertise, we work for a positive social development, through a critical approach.

Forum for Gender Studies

Forum for gender studies turns 30! We celebrate with a big birthday party in Sundsvall on November 16. Some of the activities can also be experienced digitally, for those who cannot be there.

High Yield Pulping Technology

Research focused on raw material, process technology and new or improved products and qualities for forest and paperindustry.  High yield pulp (HYP) is produced at a yield over 85% from different...

Materials physics

Our research concerns materials mainly with relevance for the forest industry. We have many projects in the field of large area applications and green energy, energy harversting, store and use energy.

MEMG Medieval and Early Modern Group

This group brings together scholars from disciplines within the humanities who specialize in the medieval and early modern time periods. The group organizes research seminars and other activites to...

MILAB - Materials and Innovation Laboratory

Welcome to our new Materials and Innovation Laboratory at campus Sundsvall. Our ambition is to coordinate and develop materials science knowledge and equipment in the region to support development ...


The Nordic Network for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies is devoted to interdisciplinary environmental studies, with a particular ambition to promote work in the environmental humanities. The...

Organic chemistry

The research interest of the organic chemistry group focuses around green catalysis and in particular the field of organic catalysis. Several asymmetric reactions using natural amino acids and amin...

Power Electronics

Positions the research within high frequency power supplies in the frontline. The research have presented the only isolated converter above 3MHz with an efficiency exceeding requirements from...

Printed Sensor Systems

The research group Printed Sensor Systems develops an inkjet printed humidity sensor. Researchers are evaluating different coatings applied on plastic substrates to promote inkjet printing quality ...

PROWD – Professions for welfare development

PROWD's interdisciplinary research approach aims to address complex knowledge needs associated with the current and future welfare development. The network enables exciting collaborations and...

Radiation Sensing and Imaging Systems

We study the design of electronics measurement systems with a focus on applications where computing electronics, radiation detectors, electromagnetic radiation sources and image analysis are combined.

Realistic 3D

The research at Realistic 3D is on Multidimensional Imaging and Visualization with focus on Multiscopic 3D Capture, Coding and Visualization.


SESPA is an interdisciplinary project studying how societal entrepreneurship can contribute to sustainable development in the local community and entrepreneurship in Sweden’s sparsely populated...

Surface and colloid engineering

The group in Surface and Colloid Engineering works on soft matter research. Our ambitious research projects are curiosity-driven and we aim to generate groundbreaking knowledge. We are focusing on...

Technical design

Active researchers Peter Glans, Per Gradin, Johan Persson, Lukas Lundman, Jonas Nyström

The page was updated 6/4/2024