Daniel Laven
Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer
- Tjänstetitel: Universitetslektor
- Akademisk titel: Docent
- Annan titel: Prefekt
- Telefon arbete: +46 (0)10-1428620
- E-postadress: daniel.laven@miun.se
- Besöksadress: Kunskapens väg 4
- Rumsnummer: A208 Östersund, L302A Sundsvall
- Ort: Östersund
- Anställd inom ämnet:
- Kulturgeografi
- Forskningscentra:
• Docent i kulturgeografi, Mittuniversitetet (2013)
• Doktorsexamen i naturresurser, University of Vermont, USA (2006)
• Masterexamen i naturresursplanering, University of Vermont, USA (2003)
• Kandidatexamen i filosofi, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA (1995)
• Hantering och utveckling av landskap och skyddade områden
• Kultur och kreativa näringar
• Kulturarv och kulturarvsturism
• Kulturarv, fredsbyggande och konfliktfyllda platser
• Utvärderingsteori och metoder
Föreläser just nu på kandidat-, masters- och doktorandnivå samt handleder och betygsätter uppsatser på grundnivå.
Jag är involverad i det internationella mastersprogrammet "Food City Design" inom ramen och i samverkan med Östersund och Region Jämtland Härjedalens medlemsskap i UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN). Läs mer om programmet här.
Enhancing Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas through Local Food Systems
Regenerativa Ekonomiska Transfereringar för Universell Resiliens i Norden (RETURN)
Sundsvall KKN - Platsutveckling genom kulturella och kreativa näringar
Östersund KKN ‑ Platsutveckling genom kulturella och kreativa näringar
Att förstå betydelsen av turism i omtvistade landskap
Gastronomi, kulturarv och entreprenörskap inom turism (Gastrocert)
Hållbara lösningar för gränsöverskridande evenemang
Kulturella och kreativa näringar – lokala och regionala utvecklingsperspektiv
Kulturella och kreativa näringar och hållbar lokal utveckling (Ruralscapes)
Mid Sweden Craft Brewing Lab (förstudie)
Mikrobryggerier och lokal utveckling (CraBloom)
Slow Adventure in Northern Territories
Värdering och utvärdering av kreativitet för hållbar regional utveckling
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Proceedings (redaktörsskap)
Samlingsverk (redaktör)
Artiklar i tidskrifter
Rytkönen, P. I. , Skoglund, W. , Oghazi, P. & Laven, D. (2024). Exploring the dynamics of innovation : patterns of growth and contraction in the local food industry. British Food Journal, vol. 126: 13, ss. 1-17.
Lindvert, M. , Laven, D. & Gelbman, A. (2024). Exploring the role of women entrepreneurs in revitalizing historic Nazareth. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, vol. 32: 3, ss. 598-616.
Manning, R. E. , Anderson, L. , Budruk, M. , Goonan, K. , Hallo, J. , Laven, D. , Lawson, S. , McCown, R. S. & et al. (2023). Ten principles of outdoor recreation: An excerpt from Studies in Outdoor Recreation: Search and Research for Satisfaction (fourth edition). Parks Stewardship Forum, vol. 39: 2, ss. 341-346.
Prince, D. & Laven, D. (2023). The Future of Museums : Why Real Matters More Than Ever. Museum Worlds, vol. 11: 1, ss. 131-135.
Prince, D. , Laven, D. & Lawson, S. (2021). Planning for a Sustainable Cultural Heritage Sector in a New Age. Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies, vol. 19: 1, ss. 1-6.
Jewiss, J. L. & Laven, D. (2021). Towards More Meaningful Evaluation of Cultural Heritage Programmes : Engaging Stakeholders Through Programme Modelling. Journal of Heritage Management, vol. 6: 1, ss. 40-52.
Shepherd, J. , Laven, D. & Shamma, L. (2020). Autoethnographic journeys through contested spaces. Annals of Tourism Research, vol. 84
Sjölander-Lindqvist, A. , Skoglund, W. & Laven, D. (2020). Craft beer – building social terroir through connecting people, place and business. Journal of Place Management and Development, vol. 13: 2, ss. 149-162.
Gathen, C. , Skoglund, W. & Laven, D. (2020). Esplorare La Prospettiva Del “City Branding” Nel Unesco Creative Cities Network : Il Caso Di Studio Del Sottogruppo Della Gastronomia. LaborEst, : 20, ss. 16-22.
Shepherd, J. & Laven, D. (2020). Providing counter-narratives : the positive role of hostels in the Israeli-Palestinian context. Tourism Geographies, vol. 22: 4-5, ss. 848-871.
Nicolosi, A. , Laganà, V. R. , Laven, D. , Marcianò, C. & Skoglund, W. (2019). Consumer Habits of Local Food : Perspectives from Northern Sweden. Sustainability, vol. 11: 23
Skoglund, W. & Laven, D. (2018). Cultura, Creatività E Agenda Di Sostenibilità : L'Esperienza Di Östersund Nella Rete Delle Città Creative Dell'UNESCO. LaborEst, : 17, ss. 10-14.
De Jong, A. , Palladino, M. , Puig, R. G. , Romeo, G. , Fava, N. , Cafiero, C. , Skoglund, W. , Varley, P. & et al. (2018). Gastronomy Tourism : An Interdisciplinary Literature Review of Research Areas, Disciplines, and Dynamics. Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism, vol. 3: 2, ss. 131-146.
Gelbman, A. & Laven, D. (2016). Re-envisioning community-based heritage tourism in the old city of Nazareth. Journal of Heritage Tourism, vol. 11, ss. 105-125.
Laven, D. , Wall Reinius, S. & Fredman, P. (2015). New Challenges for Managing Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas : An Exploratory Study of the European Landscape Convention in Sweden. Society & Natural Resources, vol. 28: 10, ss. 1126-1143.
Laven, D. , Jewiss, J. & Mitchell, N. (2013). Toward Landscape-Scale Stewardship and Development : A Theoretical Framework of United States National Heritage Areas. Society & Natural Resources, vol. 26: 7, ss. 762-777.
Stanfield McCown, R. , Laven, D. , Manning, R. & Mitchell, N. (2012). Engaging New and Diverse Audiences in the National Parks : An Exploratory Study of Current Knowledge and Learning Needs. The George Wright Forum, vol. 29: 2, ss. 272-284.
Manning, R. , Valliere, W. , Anderson, L. , Stanfield McCown, R. , Pettengill, P. , Reigner, N. , Lawson, S. , Newman, P. & et al. (2011). Defining, Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing the Sustainability of Parks for Outdoor Recreation. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, vol. 29: 3, ss. 24-37.
Laven, D. , Ventris, C. , Manning, R. & Mitchell, N. (2010). Evaluating U.S. National Heritage Areas: Theory, Methods, and Application. Environmental Management, vol. 46: 2, ss. 195-212.
Laven, D. , Krymkowski, D. , Ventriss, C. , Manning, R. & Mitchell, N. (2010). From Partnerships to Networks : New Approaches for Measuring U.S. National Heritage Area Effectiveness. Evaluation review, vol. 34: 4, ss. 271-298.
Kuentzal, W. , Laven, D. , Manning, R. & Valliere, W. (2008). When Do Normative Standards Matter Most? Understanding the Role of Norm Strength at Multiple National Park Settings. Leisure Sciences, vol. 30: 2, ss. 127-142.
Laven, D. , Mitchell, N. & Wang, D. (2005). Conservation Practice at the Landscape Scale. The George Wright Forum, vol. 22: 1
Laven, D. , Manning, R. & Krymkowski, D. (2005). The Relationship Between Visitor-Based Standards of Quality and Existing Conditions in Parks and Outdoor Recreation. Leisure Sciences, vol. 27, ss. 157-173.
Manning, R. , Lawson, S. , Newman, P. , Valliere, W. , Budruk, M. & Laven, D. (2003). Basic and Applied Research : Application of Disciplinary Theory and Methods in the Field of Leisure Studies. Loisir et Société, vol. 26: 1, ss. 25-48.
Manning, R. , Lawson, S. , Newman, P. , Laven, D. & Valliere, W. (2002). Methodological Issues in Measuring Crowding-Related Norms in Outdoor Recreation. Leisure Sciences, vol. 24: 3-4, ss. 339-348.
Budruk, M. , Valliere, W. , Manning, R. , Laven, D. & Hof, M. (2001). Crossing Programmatic Boundaries : Integrative Approaches to Managing the Quality of the Visitor Experience. The George Wright Forum, vol. 18: 3, ss. 124-131.
Laven, D. , Manning, R. , Johnson, D. & Vande Kamp, M. (2001). Integrating subsistence use and users into park and wilderness management. The George Wright Forum, vol. 18: 3, ss. 52-61.
Manning, R. E. , Anderson, L. , Badruk, M. , Goonan, K. , Hallo, J. , Laven, D. , Lawson, S. , McCown Stansfield, R. & et al. (2022). Studies in Outdoor Recreation : Search and Research for Satisfaction. Oregon State University Press
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
Wall-Reinius, S. , Laven, D. , Godtman Kling, K. & Ankre, R. (2024). Omstridda landskap : relationer och motsättningar i markanvändning. I Globala utmaningar - lokala lösningar : Forskning för en hållbar samhällsutveckling i norra Sverige. Östersund : Mittuniversitetet. S. 59-62.
Fuchs, M. , Laven, D. & Kronenberg, K. (2024). Stärka små företag inom turism genom artificiell intelligens och ”big data” i postpandemiska tider. I Globala utmaningar– lokala lösningar : Forskning för en hållbar samhällsutvecklingi norra Sverige. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet. S. 69-71.
Hammami, F. , Harvey, D. C. , Laven, D. & Walters, D. (2022). Heritage and peacebuilding : Challenges, possibilities and sustainable practices. I Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Heritage. Routledge. S. 241-260.
Shepherd, J. & Laven, D. (2022). Military Occupations and Tourism. I Routledge Handbook of Borders and Tourism. London : Routledge. S. 145-160.
Shepherd, J. & Laven, D. (2022). The impact of tourism on peace. I Handbook of Tourism Impacts : Social and Environmental Perspectives. Edward Elgar Publishing (Research Handbooks on Impact Assessment series). S. 166-182.
Shepherd, J. & Laven, D. (2020). Hostels in Hostile Territory : Tourist Spaces of Transformative Dialogue in the Israeli-Palestinian Context. I Role and Impact of Tourism in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation. Hershey : IGI Global. S. 195-217.
Laven, D. , Chekalina, T. , Fuchs, M. , Margaryan, L. , Varley, P. & Taylor, S. (2019). Building the slow adventure brand in the northern periphery. I The Nordic Wave in Place Branding : Poetics, Practices, Politics. Edward Elgar Publishing. S. 76-90.
Walters, D. , Laven, D. & Davis, P. (2017). Introduction. I Heritage and peacebuilding. Woodbridge : Boydell & Brewer (Heritage matters). S. 1-4.
Hammami, F. & Laven, D. (2017). Rethinking heritage from peace : reflections from the Palestinian-Israeli context. I Heritage and peacebuilding. Woodbridge : Boydell & Brewer (Heritage matters). S. 137-148.
Stenvall, A. , Laven, D. & Gelbman, A. (2017). The Influence of Social Entrepreneurship in Tourism on an Arab Village in Israel. I Social Entrepreneurship and Tourism : Philosophy and Practice. Cham : Springer (Tourism on the Verge). S. 279-293.
Laven, D. (2015). Heritage development and community resilience : Insights for the era of climate change. I The Future of Heritage as Climates Change : Loss, Adaptation and Creativity. New York, NY : Routledge (Key Issues in Cultural Heritage). S. 167-179.
Laven, D. , Mitchell, N. J. , Jewiss, J. & Barrett, B. (2015). Lessons Learned from U.S. Experience with Regional Landscape Governance: Implications for Conservation and Protected Areas. I Nature Policies and Landscape Policies : Towards an Alliance. Springer. S. 323-330.
Bacon, J. , Manning, R. , Lawson, S. , Valliere, W. & Laven, D. (2009). Indicators and standards of quality for the Schoodic Penninsula. I Parks and People : Managing Outdoor Recreation at Acadia National Park. Hanover : University Press of New England. S. 30-40.
Manning, R. E. , Lawson, S. , Newman, P. , Budruk, M. , Valliere, W. , Laven, D. & Bacon, J. (2004). Visitor perceptions of recreation-related resource impacts. I Environmental impacts of ecotourism. Oxfordshire : CABI Publishing (Ecotourism book series). S. 259-271.
Meijerborg, M. , Sandström, F. & Laven, D. (2022). Lifestyle Migration and Rural Development : The Experience of Kaxås in the Periphery of Sweden. I Lect. Notes Networks Syst... S. 234--245.
Gathen, C. , Skoglund, W. & Laven, D. (2020). The unesco creative cities network : A case study of city branding. I Smart Innov. Syst. Technol... S. 727--737.
Laven, D. , Chekalina, T. , Fuchs, M. , Margaryan, L. , Varley, P. & Taylor, S. (2018). Building the slow adventure brand in the northern periphery. Paper presented at the 27th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality in Alta, Norway, September 24-26, 2018.
Skoglund, W. & Laven, D. (2018). Utilizing Culture and Creativity for Sustainable Development : Reflections on the City of Östersund’s Membership in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. I New Metropolitan Perspectives : Local Knowledge and Innovation Dynamics Towards Territory Attractiveness Through the Implementation of Horizon/E2020/Agenda2030 – Volume 2. Cham : (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies). S. 398--405.
Laven, D. & Shamma, L. (2017). Kulturarv som arena för dialog : Israel-Palestina-konflikten betraktad ur konstens och samhälls-vetenskapens perspektiv. Paper presented at the Vårkonferensen 2017 SVÅRA SAMTAL: Dialog genom kulturarv, Östersund, 8-9 februari, 2017
Laven, D. (2016). Heritage and Peacebuilding : Implications for Tourism. I Tourism as a peace promoter among people and countries : Vision or reality?.
Laven, D. (2016). Utilizing Research and Evaluation to Advance the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Beijing Summit of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, Beijing, China,6-8 June, 2016
Gelbman, A. & Laven, D. (2015). Alternative Social Tourism Development : A Case Study of a Small-scale Venture in Nazareth. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference: Hospitality Now! Past, Present and Future, Saxion University, Enschede, Netherlands, 1-2 July, 2015
Gelbman, A. & Laven, D. (2014). Community Based Tourism, Heritage, and Peace : A Case Study of a Hostel in the Old City of Nazareth. Paper presented at the The Annual Conference of Israeli Geographers Association, University of Haifa, Israel
Gelbman, A. & Laven, D. (2014). Reconciliation and Development : A Case Study of a Small-scale Tourism Venture in Nazareth. Paper presented at the Contemporary Research in Tourism and Hospitality: Theory and Pitfalls, Pondicherry, India, 18-21 February, 2014
Laven, D. & Gelbman, A. (2013). Community-based Tourism and Sustainability : The Case Study of a Hostel in the Old City of Nazareth. Paper presented at the Sustainable Tourism Today: People, Community, and Environment. Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee, Israel
Prince, D. & Laven, D. (2013). Cultural Tourism in Regions in Transition. Paper presented at the Meet, See, Do Conference, Organized by Cultural Heritage without Borders and the Balkan Museum Network, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, April, 2013
Laven, D. (2013). Eat or be eaten? : Local regional food systems and sustainable tourism development.. Paper presented at the Israeli tourism researchers forum, Kinnert College, Israel.
Laven, D. (2013). Heritage as a Catalyst for Sustainable Development. Paper presented at the Royal Geographical Society Annual International Conference: New Geographical Frontiers, Imperial College, London, UK
Laven, D. (2013). Heritage oriented gastronomy and local regional food system development in Sweden. Paper presented at the International conference on foodways and heritage. A perspective of safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage 3-5 januari 2013 Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong Kong SAR
Fredman, P. , Laven, D. & Wall-Reinius, S. (2013). Managing Tourism in Protected Areas from a Landscape Perspective : An Exploratory Study from Sweden. I Protected Areas and Place Making Conference PROCEEDINGS 2013.
Jewiss, J. , Laven, D. & Stanfield McCown, R. (2012). A Participants Eye View of Program Development : How an Evolving Program Theory Model Came to Life through Annual Interviews With Participants in a Developmental Evaluation. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. October 24-27, 2012
Laven, D. (2012). Heritage as a catalyst for sustainable development. Paper presented at the Regional heritage seminar, Gjirokastra, Albania
Laven, D. (2012). Heritage as a catalyst for sustainable development : a global perspective. Paper presented at the The tourism center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis USA
Laven, D. (2012). Heritage as s catalyst for re envisioning sustainable development. Paper presented at the The Future of the Past: Heritage and Cultural Tourism in the 21st Century. Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee Tiberias, Israel
Wall Reinius, S. , Laven, D. & Fredman, P. (2012). New Challenges for Managing Sustainable Tourism in a Landscape Context : An Exploratory study from a landscape perspective in Sweden. I The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreation and Protected Areas : Outdoor recreation in change - current knowledge and future challenges. (Friluftsliv i förändring)
Laven, D. , Fredman, P. & Wall Reinius, S. (2012). New challenges for managing sustainable tourism in protected areas : an exploratory study from a landscape perspective in Sweden. I Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento.. S. 135--137.
Laven, D. , Cinque, S. , Jewiss, J. & Salzman, K. (2012). Opportunitites for heritage to enhance public involvement in landscape management. Paper presented at the The inaugural conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies. University of Gothenburg, Sweden, June 5-8, 2012.
Laven, D. (2012). Scaling down and scaling up : implications for local regional food system development in Sweden. Paper presented at the Workshop on maritime history and maritime heritage, A Swedish west coast perspective. The regional museum of Bohuslän, Uddevalla, Sweden
Laven, D. (2012). Visitor Monitoring in a Landscape Context. I The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreation and Protected Areas: Outdoor recreation in change - current knowledge and future challenges.
McCrown, R. , Laven, D. , Manning, R. & Mitchell, N. (2011). Beyond Outreach : Practicing Deep Engagement in Youth Programming. Paper presented at the George Wright Society Biennial Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 14-18, 2011
Laven, D. (2011). Cultural heritage as a catalyst for building community and enhancing regional development : lessons learned from US national heritage areas. Paper presented at the 2011 års kyrkliga kulturarvskonferens. Det kyrkliga kulturarvet, en resurs vid samhällsförändringar, Kiruna, Sverige. 6-7 april, 2011
Laven, D. , Saltzman, K. , Wetterberg, O. , Fredman, P. , Lagerqvist, B. , Pettersson, R. & Svensson, B. (2011). Exploring the Landscape Tourism : Nexus in Protected Areas in Sweden. Paper presented at the ATLAS annual conference 2011. Landscape and tourism: The dualistic relationship. Valmiera, Latvia September 21-23, 2011
Laven, D. , Saltzman, K. , Jewiss, J. & Mitchell, N. (2011). From models to management : lessons learned from evaluating US national heritage landscapes. Paper presented at the 10th Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference, Stockholm 14-16 juni 2011.
Saltzman, K. & Laven, D. (2011). Landskap för friluftsliv? : en diskussion av forskningserfarenheter från USA och Sverige i relation till den Europeiska landskapskonventionen. Paper presented at the Outdoor recreation in change (Friluftsliv i förändring) Annual conference, Umeå, Sweden. 9-10 november 2011
McCown, R. , Laven, D. , Mitchell, N. & Jewiss, J. (2010). Early Attempts to Build Evaluation Capacity : Examples from National Park Service Youth Engagement Programs. Paper presented at the Wellborn Evaluation Symposium and Conference, Meriden, NH, USA, March 25, 2010
Jewiss, J. , Laven, D. , Mitchell, N. , Diamant, R. & Marts, C. (2009). A National Park and Associated “Think Tank” Critically Reflect on Their First Decade : Client and Evaluator Perspectives on Lessons Learned. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Orlando, USA, 9-14 November, 2009.
McCown, R. , Manning, B. , Laven, D. & Mitchell, N. (2009). Beyond Outreach : Promising Practices for Engaging Diverse Audiences at Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Paper presented at the George Wright Society Biennial Conference, Portland, USA,1-6 March, 2009.
Laven, D. , Krymkowski, D. , Ventriss, C. , Manning, R. & Mitchell, N. (2009). From Partnerships to Networks : New Approaches for Measuring NHA Effectiveness. Paper presented at the George Wright Society Biennial Conference, Portland,USA, 1-6 March, 2009.
Mitchell, N. , Riesenberger, J. , Marts, C. , McCown, R. & Laven, D. (2009). Lessons Learned from the Application of Evaluation Research to Five Program Areas. Paper presented at the George Wright Society Biennial Conference, Portland, USA, 1-6 March, 2009.
Laven, D. , Mitchell, N. & Jewiss, J. (2008). Evaluating National Heritage Areas : From Models to Measurement. Paper presented at the 14th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Burlington, USA, 9-14 June, 2008
Jewiss, J. , Laven, D. & Mitchell, N. (2008). National Heritage Areas : Building a Cyclic Program Theory Model from Qualitative Data and Practitioner Knowledge. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association Annual Conference. Denver, USA,5-8 November, 2008.
McCown, R. , Manning, R. , Laven, D. & Mitchell, N. (2008). What’s in a Program? : Designing an Evaluation Logic Model for National Park Service 21st Century Relevancy Programs.. Paper presented at the 14th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Burlington, USA, 9-14 June, 2008.
Laven, D. (2007). Building a NHA Logic Model. Paper presented at the International Heritage Development Conference, Detroit, MI, USA
Copping, S. & Laven, D. (2007). Measuring Success in National Heritage Areas : Evaluation as an Organizational Learning and Sustainable Development Strategy. Paper presented at the George Wright Society Biennial Conference, St. Paul, MN, USA
Laven, D. (2007). Partnerships and Networks : New Insights into National Heritage Area Management. Paper presented at the International Heritage Development Conference, Detroit, MI, USA
Barrett, B. , Laven, D. , Mason, R. & Van West, C. (2007). Valuing Heritage : Reexamining Our Foundation. Paper presented at the National Trust for Historic Preservation Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Jacobi, C. , Laven, D. , Manning, R. , Valliere, W. , Marion, J. & Lawson, S. (2006). Ecology and Sociology of Parks : An Integrated Study at Acadia National Park. Paper presented at the 12th Annual International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vancouver, Canada, June 3-8, 2006
Copping, S. & Laven, D. (2006). Evaluating National Heritage Areas. Paper presented at the World Canals Conference (WCC), Bethlehem PA, USA
Laven, D. (2006). Stewardship Begins with People : An Atlas of Places, People, and Handmade Products. Paper presented at the Vermont Travel Industry Annual Conference, Stowe, VT, USA
Laven, D. (2005). Emerging trends in park and protected area management : A Critical Analysis of the Eastern James Bay Region of Quebec, Canada. I Proceedings of the 2004 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-326. Newtown Square : . S. 263--270.
Laven, D. (2005). Engaging Diverse Communities through National Heritage Areas. Paper presented at the George Wright Society Biennial Conference, Philedelphia, PA, USA
Laven, D. (2005). Evaluating National Heritage Areas : Program Analysis and Policy Implications at the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor. Paper presented at the George Wright Society Biennial Conference, Philedelphia, PA, USA
Newman, P. , Valliere, W. , Laven, D. , Lawson, S. , Budruk, M. , Marion, J. , Leung, Y. & Freimund, W. (2005). Indicators and Standards of Quality for Natural Resources : Trail and Campsite Impacts. Paper presented at the George Wright Society Biennial Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Budruk, M. , Valliere, W. , Laven, D. , Stanfield, R. & Manning, R. (2005). Indicators and Standards of Quality for the Built Environment : Visitor Centers, Roads, Walkways, Litter and Graffiti. Paper presented at the George Wright Society Biennial Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Kuentzel, W. , Laven, D. , Manning, R. & Valliere, W. (2004). Comparing Norm Strength at Backcountry, Frontcountry, and Urban-proximate National Parks. Paper presented at the 10th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Keystone, CO, USA, June 2-6, 2004
Manning, R. , Valliere, W. , Lawson, S. , Newman, P. , Budruk, M. , Laven, D. , Bacon, J. & Wang, B. (2004). Development and application of carrying capacity frameworks for parks and protected areas. I Global Challenges of Parks and Protected Area Management : Proceedings of the 9th ISSRM. Sassari : . S. 373--384.
Laven, D. (2004). Emerging Trends in Park and Protected Area Management : A Critical Analysis of the Eastern James Region of Quebec, Canada. I Proceedings of the 2004 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium.
Valliere, W. , Manning, R. , Lawson, S. , Bacon, J. & Laven, D. (2004). Standards of quality for traffic congestion in parks: an empirical study of the Blue Ridge Parkway. I Proceedings of the 2003 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-317.. S. 60--66.
Laven, D. , Manning, R. , Valliere, W. , Lawson, S. , Newman, P. , Budruk, M. , Bacon, J. & Wang, B. (2004). The relationship between existing conditions and standards of quality in parks. I Proceedings of the 2003 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium GTR-NE-317.. S. 452--458.
Laven, D. , Manning, R. & Krymkowski, D. (2004). The Relationship Between Normative Standards of Quality and Existing Conditions in Parks and Protected Areas. Paper presented at the 10th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Keystone, CO, USA, June 2-6, 2004
Valliere, W. , Laven, D. & Manning, R. (2004). The Structural Properties of Social Norm Curves : A Comparison of Alternative Evaluative Dimensions. Paper presented at the Northeast Recreation Research Symposium, Bolton Landing, NY, USA
Valliere, W. , Manning, R. , Lawson, S. , Bacon, J. & Laven, D. (2003). Standards of Quality for Traffic Congestion in Parks : An Empirical Study of the Blue Ridge Parkway. I Proceedings of the 2003 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium.
Proceedings (redaktörsskap)
Laven, D. (ed.) & Skoglund, W. (ed.) (2016). Valuing and Evaluating Creativity for Sustainable Development. Östersund : Mid Sweden University
Fredman, P. (ed.) , Stenseke, M. (ed.) , Mossing, A. (ed.) , Liljendahl, H. (ed.) & Laven, D. (ed.) (2012). Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges : Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas. Östersund : Mittuniversitetet (Rapport / Forskningsprogrammet Friluftsliv i förändring 19).
Wall-Reinius, S. , Ankre, R. , Dahlberg, A. , Bodén, B. & Laven, D. (2016). Intressemotsättningar och utmaningar i multifunktionella landskap : studier kring buller, vindkraft och naturskydd i Jämtlandsfjällen. Östersund : Mid Sweden University (Rapportserien / European Tourism Research Institute 2016:7).
Wall Reinius, S. , Dahlberg, A. , Ankre, R. , Bodén, B. & Laven, D. (2015). Bortom konflikter i fjällen. Utmaningar i multifunktionella landskap. Stockholm : Naturvårdsverket (Storlagen Fjällmiljö ).
McCown, R. , Tuxill, J. , Laven, D. , Mitchell, N. , Manning, R. & Jewiss, J. (2012). Beyond Outreach : Sharing Innovative Approaches for Engaging Youth from Diverse Communities. Woodstock, VT : Conservation Study Institute
McCown, R. , Tuxill, J. , Laven, D. , Mitchell, J. , Manning, R. & Jewiss, J. (2011). Beyond Outreach Handbook : A Guide to Designing Effective Programs to Engage Diverse Communities. Woodstock, VT : Conservation Study Institute
Duffin, M. , Laven, D. , Pranis, E. , Mitchell, N. & Camp, M. (2009). Engaging young adults in a sustainable future : Strategies for national parks and other special places - A front end evaluation report. Woodstock, VT : Conservation Study Institute and Shelburne Farms
Jewiss, J. , Laven, D. , Mitchell, J. & Huffman, P. (2008). Development of a National Heritage Area evaluation strategy : report on phase I: a technical assistance report for the NPS National Heritage Areas Office. Woodstock, VT : National Park Service Conservation Study Institute
Tuxill, J. , Huffman, P. , Laven, D. & Mitchell, N. (2008). Shared Legacies in Cane River National Heritage Area: Linking People, Traditions, and Landscapes. A Technical Assistance Report for the Cane River National Heritage Area Commission : Final Report. Woodstock, VT : Conservation Study Institute
Jewiss, J. , Farley, V. , Mitchell, N. & Laven, D. (2007). Lessons learned : a mid-course assessment by participating managers and supervisors on the implementation of the New York Harbor Parks facility management program: a technical assistance report. Woodstock, VT : National Park Service Conservation Study Institute
Diamant, R. , Roberts, J. , Tuxill, J. , Mitchell, N. & Laven, D. (2007). Stewardship begins with people : an atlas of places, people, and handmade products. Woodstock, VT : National Park Service Conservation Study Institute
Diamant, R. , Huffman, P. , Marts, C. , Bell, N. , Allen, W. , Laven, D. & Machin, B. (2007). Where our four towns meet…. Woodstock, VT : Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park
Copping, S. , Huffman, P. , Laven, D. , Mitchell, N. & Tuxill, J. (2006). Connecting Stories, Landscapes, and People: Exploring the Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor. Sustainability Study Report : A Technical Assistance Project for the Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor Commission and the Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor, Inc.. Woodstock, VT : Conservation Study Institute (CONSERVATION AND STEWARDSHIP PUBLICATION NO. 9).
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Bacon, J. , Laven, D. , Lawson, S. , Manning, R. & Valliere, W. (2004). Research to support carrying capacity analysis at Isle au Haut, Acadia National Park. Burlington, USA : Park Studies Laboratory, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont
Manning, R. , Laven, D. & Budruk, M. (2002). Saratoga National Historical Park visitor survey report. Burglington, USA : Park Studies Laboratory, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont
Manning, R. , Lawson, S. , Valliere, W. , Bacon, J. & Laven, D. (2002). Schoodic Penninsula Acadia National Park visitor study. Burlington , USA : Park Studies Laboratory, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont
Stokowski, P. , Budruk, M. , Ciarimboli, K. , Dombrowski, P. , Holmes, S. , LaPointe, C. , Laven, D. , Reilly, T. & et al. (2001). Planning the Northern Forest Canoe Trail : issues and approaches. Burlington, USA : School of Natural Resources, University of Vermont
Samlingsverk (redaktör)
Walters, D. (ed.) , Laven, D. (ed.) & Davis, P. (ed.) (2017). Heritage and peacebuilding. Woodbridge : Boydell & Brewer (Heritage matters Vol. 21).
Laven, D. & Prince, D. (2022). Can COVID-19 Save Heritage Tourism? — Challenges & Opportunities for an Old Sector : Medium.com..